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Just Breathe Respiratory System HST. Functions of the Respiratory System Take in O2 for use on a cellular level Expels waste such as CO2 & H2O from.

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Presentation on theme: "Just Breathe Respiratory System HST. Functions of the Respiratory System Take in O2 for use on a cellular level Expels waste such as CO2 & H2O from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just Breathe Respiratory System HST


3 Functions of the Respiratory System Take in O2 for use on a cellular level Expels waste such as CO2 & H2O from the cells Air flow over larynx make speech possible

4 Word Parts nas/oalveo/lo sinus/opneum/o, pneumon/o, pneu epiglott/oatel/opulm/o pharyng/ocyan/opulmon/o laryng/o-ectasistachy- trache/ophon/othorac/o bronch/opleur/o-thorax bronchi/o-pnea

5 The Respiratory Tract Upper Respiratory Tract = nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx epiglottis, trachea Lower Respiratory Tract = lungs,bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli These are structures located in the ______________cavity.

6 Opening of the Respiratory System Nares- Nares - nasal openings

7 Nasal Septum Separates R & L nares

8 Functions of the Nose Mucous membranes -Warm, filter, moisten inhaled air

9 Cilia = tiny hairs inside the nose *Move mucous & trapped particles into esophagus

10 Mucous membranes * line surfaces of resp tract AND * secrete mucus to moisten surfaces and trap debris

11 Sinuses -air filled cavities warm & moisten air -give *resonance to voice *richness, significance

12 Pharynx AKA the throat Holds tonsils, adenoids Receives air & food from mouth Three divisions * naso_____________ * oro ______________ * laryngo ___________

13 Larynx AKA “Voice Box” *Contains vocal cords *Produces sound for speech

14 One of the nine cartilage rings that make up the larynx. AKA: the thyroid cartilage

15 Epiglottis Prevents food from entering the trachea during swallowing glottis

16 AKA Windpipe * Carries air between pharynx & bronchi ************* * Right & Left Bronchi branch off trachea to take air to lungs *************** * Bronchioles carry air from bronchi to alveoli Trachea, Bronchial Tree & Alveoli Trachea Bronchioles

17 Alveoli *Site of cellular respiration i.e. O2 & CO2 are exchanged here *Occur in grape like clusters

18 Lungs *Hold and support structures necessary for respiration * R has 3 lobes(divisions) * L has 2 lobes

19 Pleura *Multilayered membrane surrounding the lung *Rich nerve & blood supply *Protects & prevents friction intercostal muscles

20 Diaphragm » » Muscle that separated thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity Contraction & relaxation causes respiration

21 Respiration Inhalation Exhalation Normal Adult respiratory rate: 14-20/min Normal pediatric rate: 20 – 25 Rate= Volume= Rhythm=

22 Eupnea*Hyperventilation Tachypnea*Sleep Apnea Bradypnea*Cheyne Stokes Apnea Dyspnea (SOB) Hypernea Hyperventilation Hypopnea


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