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Jim Stockinger, Erin Eid, Jennifer Maloney and Mike Trojan

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1 Long-Term Nitrate Monitoring in Sensitive Sand and Gravel Aquifers in Minnesota
Jim Stockinger, Erin Eid, Jennifer Maloney and Mike Trojan Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Ground Water Monitoring and Assessment Program

2 Purpose of Presentation
Proposal for Statewide Ambient Monitoring Midwest GW Conference provides: Outlet to get information out, build support and gain cooperators Source of valuable feedback

3 Objectives for a Statewide Ambient Program
Is Minnesota’s Ground Water Getting Better or Worse? Evaluate the Effectiveness of Ground Water Programs Impacts from Human Activity


5 Nitrate-Sensitive What is a Nitrate-Sensitive Aquifer?
An aquifer in which nitrate will not be denitrified. Based upon the following criteria: Eh > 250 mV Dissolved Oxygen > 1 ppm Iron < 0.7 ppm

6 Location of Nitrate-Sensitive Aquifers
Glacial Bedrock Hydrogeology Sensitive Nitrate Sensitive

7 Why the Sand and Gravel Aquifers?
18% of Wells Sampled from Nitrate-Sensitive, Sand and Gravel Aquifers Exceed the Nitrate Standard of 10ppm Important Source of Drinking Water Economically Feasible to Study Them

8 Objectives to Ambient Monitoring of Nitrate
Determine if Nitrate Concentrations are Increasing or Decreasing with Time Determine if a Correlation Exist Between Land Use and Nitrate Concentrations in Shallow Ground Water Determine if Contamination of Shallow Ground Water Represents a Drinking Water Risk.

9 Study Design Domestic Wells Network of 100 Domestic Wells
Screened deeper within the aquifer Represents drinking water supply (receptor) Network of 100 Domestic Wells 6 land use categories Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Agriculture, Sewered and Unsewered Residential, Commercial, and Undeveloped

10 Study Design Shallow Monitoring Wells Nested Monitoring Wells
Screened across water table Represents most recent and vulnerable water Nested Monitoring Wells Screened 10 feet below water table Allows for a profile of the aquifer

11 Monitoring Wells Domestic Well Infiltration

12 Implementation Selection of Candidate Wells Sampling
Compile list of candidate domestic wells Obtain permissions for well owners Sampling Sample up to 200 domestic wells Field verify land use

13 Implementation Selecting Monitoring Locations
Uniformed Land Use within a 1/2 Mile Cooperative Land Owner Selecting Monitoring Well Locations Monitoring wells located within a 1/4 mile of the Domestic well

14 Typical Site Layout

15 Sampling Schedule and Parameters
Sample Annually Between July 1st and August 15 Period of 20 or more years Field Parameters Oxidation-reduction potential Dissolved oxygen Reduced iron and manganese Laboratory Analysis Nitrate, Chloride, TOC

16 Focus Areas Watershed Level Address local land use issues
Area actively implementing BMPs Surface water component can be added

17 Local Land Use Issues Septic systems Manure storage Irrigated agriculture Row crop agriculture Land application of manure Conversion of CRP land Residential fertilizers

18 WATERSHED LEVEL Residential development along rivers
Row crop agriculture Currently not threatened Primarily bedrock aquifers Irrigated agriculture; residential development

19 Focus Areas Areas of On-going Studies
Incorporate existing monitoring wells Existing data

20 Manure management studies
Land use studies Septic system studies Manure management studies Geochemical studies Agricultural BMPs ON-GOING STUDIES

21 Additional Benefits of Study
Compilation of Existing Ground Water Data Bases GIS Coverages Land use, land use changes, geologic and hydrogeologic

22 Resources GWMAP Can Provide Resources Needed Analytical Dollars
Data Analysis / Reporting Resources Needed Assistance with locating study sites Dollars for installing monitoring wells Assistance with sampling

23 Time Frame Domestic Well Network Monitoring Well Network
1 month to identify candidate wells 2 months to obtain permissions and sample Monitoring Well Network Several years to install entire network Install 15 to 20 well nest per year

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