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Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer Jung Ho Choi Born Seoul, Korea Came to US in 1965 – 3 rd grade B.S. Biology, MIT, 1978 Ph.D. Biology,

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer Jung Ho Choi Born Seoul, Korea Came to US in 1965 – 3 rd grade B.S. Biology, MIT, 1978 Ph.D. Biology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012Bio@Tech Jung Ho Choi Born Seoul, Korea Came to US in 1965 – 3 rd grade B.S. Biology, MIT, 1978 Ph.D. Biology, UC San Diego, 1983 Postdoc at UC Berkeley, 1983-1986 Assistant Prof. Biology, Georgia Tech, 1986 Associate Chair, School of Biology Program Director, Professional MS Bioinformatics program

2 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 Research in Molecular Genetics What are the functions of protein kinases that bind calcium? How did these genes evolve? Can we mine functional genomics data to generate hypotheses about gene function?

3 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 Where and when are particular genes expressed? AtCRK1:GUS expression

4 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 DNA Microarrays genome on a chip

5 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 How can biologists make a difference? Write on the index card: What will be the top challenges for bioscience when you graduate from college? Bio@Tech

6 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 One perspective on our world: what do the smaller spheres represent? Bio@Tech

7 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 Water, water everywhere? Bio@Tech

8 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 Human population growth Charts from Wikipedia ?

9 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 Human impact on atmosphere Bio@Tech

10 Figure 6: United States climatic extremes since 1910

11 Figure 13: Observed and modeled Arctic sea-ice extent

12 Figure 16: Sea-level change 1970-2010

13 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 What are the sources (contributors) and sinks (removers) of atmospheric CO 2 ? Bio@Tech

14 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012Bio@Tech Wikipedia

15 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012Bio@Tech DHWs > 4 cause considerable coral bleaching DHWs > 8 appear to cause > coral mortality

16 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012

17 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 Imagine a world:  with abundant, healthful food for everyone  with a resilient and flourishing environment  with sustainable, clean energy  where good health is the norm

18 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 Living fuel cells http://www.alt- like-a-reverse-fuel-cell-producing- biofuel-from-carbon-dioxide/ utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed :+sciencedaily+%28ScienceDaily:+Latest+Science+News%29

19 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 University of Washington (2010, August 16). Nanoscale DNA sequencing could spur revolution in personal health care. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 17, 2010, from­ /releases/2010/08/100816155002.htm?ut m_source=feedburner&utm_medium=fee d&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedai ly+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Latest+Scienc e+News%29

20 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012 New superbugs, viruses Bio@Tech Spread of NDM-1 Rolain et al. 2010 Clin. Microbiol. Infec. 16 H1N1 influenza virus - CDC E. coli

21 Georgia Tech School of Biology Summer 2012

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