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Bell Ringer Who are these characters and people from Northern Europe?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Who are these characters and people from Northern Europe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Who are these characters and people from Northern Europe?

2 What is the role of Queen Elizabeth in the United Kingdom? In a monarchy, a king or queen is Head of State. The British monarchy is known as a constitutional monarchy. This means that, while The Sovereign is Head of State, the ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament. Although the British Sovereign no longer has a political or executive role, he or she continues to play an important part in the life of the nation. As Head of State, The Monarch undertakes constitutional and representational duties which have developed over one thousand years of history.

3 Is Great Britain the same as the UK? No, Great Britain and the United Kingdom refer to different areas. Great Britain is very often, but incorrectly, used as a synonym for the sovereign state properly known as the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland' (UK). reland) United KingdomGreat Britain


5 Iceland –Reykjavik Finland –Helsinki Norway –Oslo Sweden –Stockholm Scotland –Glasgow N. Ireland –Belfast Ireland –Dublin England –London Denmark –Copenhagen Northern Europe

6 Physical Geography of Northern Europe Region includes Scandinavian Peninsula, Jutland Peninsula, British Isles, Iceland, and areas around the North Sea. Region is heavily affected by glaciation during last ice age. Many fjords, erosion features. Climate generally “Marine West Coast” – cloudy and damp, with cool temperatures moderated by a warm ocean current (North Atlantic Drift) Turns to “Sub-Arctic” and “Arctic” further north.

7 British Isles (subregion) Two Nations: Great Britain, aka United Kingdom (62 million) Ireland (6 million) United Kingdom is composed of:  England  Scotland  Wales  Northern Ireland Ireland is composed of:  Ireland, independent nation  Northern Ireland, annexed by UK

8 Scandinavia (Subregion) Scandinavia/Nordic Subregion, includes: –Finland (5 million) –Sweden (9 million) –Denmark (6 million) –Norway (5 million) –Iceland (300,000) All of these countries are wealthy, stable republics. They generally have high taxes and extensive welfare systems.

9 Ancient Europe – Prehistory to about 500AD Germanic tribes settled region Middle Ages– 500AD to about 1400AD Viking raids English history Renaissance and Reformation – 1400AD to 1600AD Importance of Sweden grows Reformation – Martin Luther and John Calvin Early Modern Era – 1600AD to about 1850AD Industrial Revolution British Empire Modern Era – 1850AD to Present World Wars, Cold War, The Welfare State HISTORY OF NORTHERN EUROPE

10 Life in Northern Europe Religion: Northern Europe is mostly secular, but many people are members of Protestant Christian churches. Islam is small percentage but rapidly growing. Demographics: Low birthrates and long lifespans, except for immigrant communities. Issues: Old stable cultures now clashing with newer immigrant cultures. Breakdown of welfare state due to world financial crisis.

11 What is this region known for (art, music, literature)? Hans Christian Andersen- writer “ The Little Mermaid ” Björn Borg – Champion Tennis Player Ingmar Bergman- Swedish Film director William Shakespeare- writer…. Alfred Nobel- Swedish chemist/engineer - Nobel prize J. R. R. Tolkien- The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings Robert Louis Stevenson- Dr. Jekyll& Mr. Hyde Irish Music from traditional to U2 JK Rowling- Harry Potter Ikea U2, Beatles, and Rolling Stones Skiing, Hockey, Football, Rugby

12 Left vs. Right Political beliefs are often described along a spectrum from left to right. While this is not entirely accurate, it is a simple shorthand for discussing the topic. There is disagreement on where the extremes fit, especially Nazism… nobody wants to claim that one as theirs. There are many different versions out there, if you Google search “political spectrum”.

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