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11 Anatomical Neck Head 1 Lesser Tubercle 6 7 Greater Tubercle 12

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Presentation on theme: "11 Anatomical Neck Head 1 Lesser Tubercle 6 7 Greater Tubercle 12"— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Anatomical Neck Head 1 Lesser Tubercle 6 7 Greater Tubercle 12 Intertubercular Sulcus 10 Surgical Neck Name the bone: Humerus Right or Left Left 3 Deltoid Tuberosity Anterior or Posterior Anterior Coronoid Fossa Radial Fossa Medial Epicondyle 9 13 Lateral Epicondyle 2 5 Trochlea 8 4 Capitulum

2 Greater Tubercle 2 Head 9 Surgical Neck 8 Anatomical Neck 7 Left or Right Left Name the Bone Humerus Deltoid Tuberosity 10 Posterior or Anterior Posterior Olecranon Fossa Lateral Epicondyle Medial Epicondyle 1 4 3 6 Capitulum 5 Trochlea

3 4 Right or left? 1 Right 5 Trochlear notch 6 2 8 Radial notch
Olecranon process Right 5 Trochlear notch 6 2 8 Coronoid process Radial notch Coronoid process 7 What bone? Ulna 3 Styloid process

4 1 Right or left? Right Head of radius 3 2 Name bone 4 Radial tuberosity Radius 7 Radial tuberosity Ulnar notch 6 Styloid process of radius 5

5 8. What bones make up the proximal row? Pisiform, lunate
triquertium, scaphoid 5th distal phalanx 2nd middle phalanx 4 6 How many Phalanges? 3rd Proximal phalanx 1 5 II 14 III IV V I How many Metacarpals? 2 1st metacarpal 5 7 Hamate 11 12 10 Trapezium How many Carpus (carpals)? 9 Pisiform 15 3 16 13 14 Trapezoid 8 Triquetrum Scaphoid Capitate Lunate

6 9 Hamate Trapezoid 8 4 Trapezium 6 Triquetrum 5 3 Scaphoid 7 2 Pisiform Capitate Left or right? Lunate Right 10. Which bone make up the distal row? Hamate, capitate, trapezoid and trapezium

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