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1 Heather Hooper – VP, Retirement Strategies Tim Wochok, CFP ® – Retirement Plan Consultant LWI Financial Inc. ("Loring Ward") is considered to be an investment.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Heather Hooper – VP, Retirement Strategies Tim Wochok, CFP ® – Retirement Plan Consultant LWI Financial Inc. ("Loring Ward") is considered to be an investment."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Heather Hooper – VP, Retirement Strategies Tim Wochok, CFP ® – Retirement Plan Consultant LWI Financial Inc. ("Loring Ward") is considered to be an investment manager under Section 3(38) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) only for those portfolios and funds approved and administered by Loring Ward. Plan advisors and trustees may have other fiduciary obligations independent of those which are assumed by an ERISA Sec. 3(38) investment manager. This presentation is intended as a general discussion on the subject matter and is not intended to be a complete discussion of ERISA or fiduciary duties under ERISA. Do not rely on this section for legal advice. Each ERISA fiduciary issue has its own unique set of facts and circumstances demanding specific attention. Seek the advice of competent ERISA legal counsel on any questions concerning ERISA duties. LWI Financial Inc. (“Loring Ward”) is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Securities transactions are offered through its affiliate, Loring ward Securities Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. IRN R 13-347

2 For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution2 Quick review Expectations from Plan Sponsors How to Stand Out in the Crowd Communication Best Practices Driving the Sale The Deciding Factor Agenda

3 For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution3 FIRST, LET’S REVIEW

4 For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution4 Key Concepts Marketing yourself The Why Discovery Setting Expectations Process Leveraging your partners


6 6 The Basics Accountability Partnership Communication

7 7 What is Expected Exceptional service (defined) Goal setting and management A fiduciary relationship Simplification Plan design guidance A proactive approach to evolving the plan Participant marketing campaigns Processed focused support Consistency

8 8 The Plan Sponsor’s Objective To simplify their 401(k) life.


10 10 It Starts With Your Value Proposition Today 10

11 11 Define Why Your Clients and Prospects Need You What role do you play in their lives? What do they think you do now? What would they tell someone else about you? What will they need from you in the future? 11

12 12 Three goals for your value proposition 1. Your clients and prospects must understand the needs they have that you meet. 2. They must have a positive emotional response to you. 3. They must be able to articulate your value proposition to others. 12


14 14 5 Effective Communications Best Practices 1. Understand the clients’ perspective 2. It’s not about you, it’s about them (the Personal Principle) 3. Replace jargon with words everyone understands (the Plainspoken Principle) 4. Keep it positive (the Positive Principle) 5. There’s no such thing as a “perfect” solution (the Plausible Principle) For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution

15 15 The Personal Principle WIFM? Starts with listening –Discover what is important to them –Uncover past experiences –Talk about “we”, “you” and the future Make it tangible –10,000 taxis vs. 4 minutes –Fee disclosure regulations and notices vs. this is what you have & this is what it costs Make it human Personal stories Be genuine and understandable For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution

16 16 Say This… Volatility Equities Fixed income Longevity Risk Accumulation Phase Risk Tolerance How you feel about your investments going down in value Instead of This… Saving and investing Possibility of outliving your money Bonds Stocks Ups and downs in the market The Plainspoken Principle For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution

17 17 For Advisor Use Only Not For Distribution Keep it High Level

18 18 Positive Principle No Fear Empower Avoid painting bleak pictures of their plan Be forward looking. Talk in favor of things, not against other things Recent VanKampen Investments study: Negative wordsApprovalPositive WordsApproval Managing market risk37% Making sure you can participate in gains while reducing downside risk 63% Managing inflation risk19% Making sure you can afford to maintain lifestyle 81% Managing longevity risk10% Making sure you have enough money as long as you live 90% For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution

19 19 Positive Principle Words to LoseWords to Use ImmediateLong term React to marketStrategic “There are two magic words when it comes to talking about investing with many investors: long term and strategic. Even in the face of steep losses in their portfolios, most investors want to focus their time thinking about their long-term prospects. Even pre-retirees — those most likely to need short-term income — respond more favorably to the idea of long term….When they talk with Financial Advisors they want to hear about “strategies” because the idea of a strategy is both optimistic and forward-looking.” Words to Use Immediate React to market Words to Lose Strategic Long term The Language of Trust Maslansky, West, DeMoss & Saylor, Pg 97 For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution

20 20 The Plausible Principle it probably is…” PositiveOver-reaching “If it sounds too good to be true, For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution


22 22 3 Keys Have them communicate challenges + benefits of change Get them in touch with the big picture Offer insight and clarity For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution

23 23 Get Them Present to the Problem

24 24 Identifying Opportunity

25 25 Insight

26 26 What? Where? Why? Who? How? When? For Advisor Use Only — Not For Distribution Clarity

27 27 Lead them to a better experience


29 29 Remember They are Hiring You Confidence Conviction Authenticity Partnership Helping vs. selling People vs. money

30 30 Define Who You Are Corporate Identity Sponsorships Facilities Client Reviews Advertising Employee Communications Public Relations In Person Niche Marketing Direct Mail Brand Architecture Events Online Support Collateral Merchandising Newsletters Volunteer Efforts Your Brand

31 31 Then Build Your Plan Around It

32 32 In Summary Be the Advisor your clients didn’t know they need.

33 33 Questions?

34 34 - 800-988-3755, Option 6

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