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Differences Between Direct Method (DM) and Grammar Translation Method (GTM) Lecture 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Differences Between Direct Method (DM) and Grammar Translation Method (GTM) Lecture 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differences Between Direct Method (DM) and Grammar Translation Method (GTM)
Lecture 6

2 Preview Review of lecture 5
Principles of Direct Method Goals of a teacher using direct method Role of a teacher using DM characteristics of teaching learning process inductive teaching of grammar vocabulary by using words More interaction among students. Better model of real life communication

3 Differences between DM and GTM
GTM encourages use of mother tongues, DM discourages it. GTM considers translation an essential L2 learning strategy, DM considers it a barrier in learning L2

4 Differences between DM and GTM…..cont….
GTM aims to teach the literature of target language and improve knowledge of mother tongue, DM aims to teach communication in target language GTM makes use of only literary passages, but DM allows the use of passages relating to history, geography, cultures, community etc.

5 Difference Between GM and GTM cont…
GTM considers literary language superior to the ordinary language, DM emphasizes the importance of language of ordinary communication GTM focuses on the building of reading and writing skills, DM considers speaking and listening as primary language skills

6 Difference Between DM and GTM cont….
Evaluation in GTM is written, in DM evaluation is both written and oral. GTM emphasizes on explicit deductive rule based grammar teaching, DM aims at implicit inductive grammar teaching through practice of particular sentences. GTM encourages grammar rule memorization, DM may never teach grammar rules

7 Cont… GTM builds vocabulary through vocabulary list memorization, DM encourages using vocabulary in meaningful sentences GTM considers memorization a useful learning strategy, DM completely disregards it

8 Difference Between GM and GTM cont….
GTM depends on reading passages altogether, DM makes allowance for realia, pictures, charts, maps and writing board. Role of teacher in GTM is autocratic, in DM teacher allows more freedom and participation of students

9 Cont… Interaction in GTM is restricted to Teacher-student pattern, DM allows student-student interaction as well. Correction is done by the teacher in GTM, in DM self correction is encouraged.

10 Summary Differences between GTM and Direct Method

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