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TE-MPE participation on the GSI-CERN Collaboration for Testing Super-FRS's Superconducting Magnets (aka FAIR project) Daniel Calcoen Acknowledgements:

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Presentation on theme: "TE-MPE participation on the GSI-CERN Collaboration for Testing Super-FRS's Superconducting Magnets (aka FAIR project) Daniel Calcoen Acknowledgements:"— Presentation transcript:

1 TE-MPE participation on the GSI-CERN Collaboration for Testing Super-FRS's Superconducting Magnets (aka FAIR project) Daniel Calcoen Acknowledgements: R. Denz, K. Dahlerup-Petersen. Special thanks to Edit. Copy-Paste who made this presentation possible. TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

2 Outline Introduction What and Where will be tested When will be tested MPE business (EES) MPE business (QPS) Conclusion TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

3 Introduction TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015 FAIR is a facility for fundamental science research at Darmstadt, Germany. (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research). What we mention as the "FAIR project" is a collaboration between CERN and GSI to test all the superconducting magnets for the Super Fragmentation Separator (SuperFRS). The Collaboration protocol dates from 20th June 2012.protocol GSI webpagesGSI webpages. The information collected by EP for its WP is available

4 What will be tested TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

5 What Long Multiplet TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015 about 7 meters long, 70 tons, containing 9 magnets inside.

6 Where will located TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

7 Where As today TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

8 Where Layout v2.x TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

9 Where Layout v3.x TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

10 When Prj Leader vision TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

11 Prj Leader vision (2) TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

12 GSI vision (Multiplets) TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

13 When GSI facts For S.C. Multiplets contract signing expected Q2/2015 FAT of first short multiplet Q1/2017 FAT of first long multiplet Q2/2017 Series testing: Q2/2018 – Q2/2021 For S.C. Dipoles FAT Pre-Series: Q1/2017 SAT Series: Q2/2018 – Q2/2020 TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

14 MPE Business EES Mandate : Provide the Energy Extraction System for the Test Bench. Knud presentationKnud presentation at CERN-GSI Technical Coordination Meeting 13 May 2015. There was an obvious interest in using an extraction system which had already been developed for the LHC, with adaptations if required. The 6 extraction systems for FAIR + the 2 spare are the ones removed from LHC point 6 (UA67) and refurbished. (incident with sprayed demineralized water from the cooled cables above the racks). TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015 Modifications Specifications leads to a requested Rdump figure of 2.8 Ω. Due to arc voltage limitations the solution is to insert 2 identical Rdump systems in each circuit (such as in the LHC Main Dipole circuits) - with Rdump 1.4 Ω per system. Six new 1.4 Ω energy absorption resistors are needed.

15 EE Modifications TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015 new dump resistor prototype 1.4 Ω (16 discs of 5.6 Ω). Each disc is capable of absorbing 100 kJ. EE systems for FAIR test benches ready for testing in Bldg. 281 (ISR).

16 MPE Business QPS Mandate : Provide the Quench Protection System for the Test Bench. Reiner presentationReiner presentation at CERN-GSI Technical Coordination Meeting 13 May 2015. A Standard Quench Detection System for magnet and leads will be provided, its architecture and design will follow proven LHC concepts (Digital, FPGA based, redundant detection systems). For the Supervision a LHC like solution (WinCC OA) will handle data for test bench operation, logging database and post-mortem. The Supervision will also treat all data acquired from voltage taps (including those not used for protection) and provide DAQ systems for EE (as in LHC). 2015 Infrastructure requests, general design studies and functional specification. 2016 Final design and type testing, production, installation and commissioning. TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015 Modifications No need for quench heaters. No real PIC (synthetized by PLCs). Total voltage taps to measure : 155 (The long Multiplet with 9 magnets inside has 98 voltage taps and for the FoS they will add 57 extra voltage taps). For measurement sampling rate they wish 20Khz but they accept 10KHz. Tuning the algorithms for these new magnets.

17 Conclusion The project is waking up. Still some fuzzy corners on specifications and modifications. Warning! The uncertain schedule tends to relax the resources estimation and when they need to be apply (rush at the end). TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

18 Questions? TE-MPE-TM#65 28.05.2015

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