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Teacher Neil’s Hotel Check-in Vocab and Common Script R: Welcome to the __________ Hotel. May I help you? G: Yes, I saw your advertisement in a brochure,

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Neil’s Hotel Check-in Vocab and Common Script R: Welcome to the __________ Hotel. May I help you? G: Yes, I saw your advertisement in a brochure,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Neil’s Hotel Check-in Vocab and Common Script R: Welcome to the __________ Hotel. May I help you? G: Yes, I saw your advertisement in a brochure, I would like a room for the night at the discounted rate. R: Do you have a reservation? G: No. Are there rooms available? R: Well, how many people are in your party? G: Two. The name is (Mr/Ms) _________________. R: Ok (Mr/Ms) __________________ we have a vacancy. G: Does every room have a balcony? R: Yes, they do, with a panoramic view of the natural scenery. G: Is there a pool and sauna? R: Yes, we have a fitness center on the fifth floor. G: How much is a double room? R: 1,300 baht including a complimentary continental breakfast. G: Hmm, are there handicapped facilities?? R: Yes. G: Is there internet service? R: Yes, and we have a conference center with a secretarial service. G: Ok, we’ll take it. R: And how will you be paying? G: By credit card. R: Thank you, enjoy your stay.

2 Test Two Hotel Receptionist Learn these words and how to pronounce them like a ‘farang’. Remember, this is not a READING test, this is a PRONUNCIATION test. You must know the meaning of your 15 black words 15 each) some of the meanings are listed here but not all.

3 Two people One person is the front desk receptionist and one person is the guest. Listen to the example Answer the questions http://www.esl-

4 1.Advertisement – to market something through the media AdverTISEment

5 2.Brochure – a small booklet 3.Tonight - tonight

6 4.DIScounted - to reduce the price

7 5.reserVATion 6.avAILable 7.guests 8.VACancy – an available room

8 9. BALcony – an outside and upper attachment to a room

9 10. panoRAMic – a wide view

10 11-12.NATural SCENery

11 13.Sauna! 14.FITness 15.DOUBle 16.InCLUDing – to put something together with something else

12 17.compliMENTary 18.contiNENTal 19.BREAKfast

13 20.HANdicapped 21.faCILities

14 22.WIREless 23.INternet

15 24.CONference – a large seminar or meeting

16 25.secreTARial - adjective for a secretary’s work

17 26. Towels – something to dry yourself when you are wet 27. Iron – an appliance that when heated can press and straighten wrinkles on clothes 28. PAYing – to buy

18 29.CREDit 30.card

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