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 1. What type of tropism is responsible for plants growing towards light?  2. Describe the 10% rule.  3. What kind of consumer eats primary producers?

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Presentation on theme: " 1. What type of tropism is responsible for plants growing towards light?  2. Describe the 10% rule.  3. What kind of consumer eats primary producers?"— Presentation transcript:

1  1. What type of tropism is responsible for plants growing towards light?  2. Describe the 10% rule.  3. What kind of consumer eats primary producers?  4. If a disturbance hits an area, destroys most of the animals, how will the population grow back? 3/18 Daily Catalyst Pg. 32 Biodiversity


3  Ecology test on Friday  Study guide due test day  Schedule test make up with Mrs. Ireland  Visual Aid due by the end of class  We will present the information  Unit 3 will be Evolution and ties to the environment 3/18 Class Business Pg. 32 Biodiversity

4  Daily Catalyst  Agenda  Biodiversity Notes  Visual aid work time  Study guide work time  Homework: study for the ecology test 3/18 Agenda Pg. 32 Biodiversity

5  The diversity of species within an ecosystem may influence the stability of the ecosystem.  The student is able to make scientific claims and predictions about how species diversity within an ecosystem influences ecosystem stability. Objective

6 Biodiversity!!!!

7  Key Point #1: Biodiversity is the variety of life in an ecosystem. Biodiversity is…

8 Low Biodiversity

9 High Biodiversity

10 Low or High Biodiversity?



13  Stable = things stay the same  Key Point #2: An ecosystem is stable if it does not change easily  When an ecosystem is resistant to change, it is stable  When an ecosystem can be easily changed, it is unstable  In this class, we will measure change in a population Ecosystem stability… What that is!?

14 Rabbits eat grass. Foxes eat rabbits This food web has low biodiversity Grass Rabbit Foxes

15  A disturbance hits… A drought happens and kills all the grass. This food web has low biodiversity Grass Rabbit Foxes

16  What happens to the foxes? This food web has low biodiversity Grass Rabbit Foxes How many species do we have left? 0! BIG change?

17  The food web started with low biodiversity  Key Point #3: Low biodiversity = unstable ecosystem  What this means: just one change can have a HUGE effect on all the species! Biodiversity and stability

18 Let’s add a few more species to our original ecosystem This food web has high biodiversity Grass Rabbit Foxes Chickens Carrots

19  A disturbance hits… A drought happens and kills all the grass. This food web has high biodiversity Grass Rabbit Foxes Chickens Carrots

20  What happens to the foxes? This food web has high biodiversity BIG change? Grass Rabbit Foxes Chickens carrots

21  We can figure out which of two ecosystems has higher biodiversity based on how stable each one is.  Key Point #4: if two ecosystems are hit by the same disturbance, the ecosystem that is more damaging must have less biodiversity (unstable) Comparing Multiple Ecosystems

22  Ecosystems with high biodiversity change less than ecosystems with low biodiversity after a disturbance.  If ecosystem “A” changes less than ecosystem “B” in response to the same disturbance, “A” must have higher biodiversity than “B.” The main point:

23 In a forest ecosystem, wolves eat rabbits. Rabbits eat grass. 1.High or low biodiversity? WHY? 2.A brushfire hits! All the grass is wiped out! a.What is going to happen to all of the rabbits? b.What is going to happen to all of the wolves? 3. Is this a stable or unstable ecosystem? WHY? Quick Class Practice

24  Ecosystem 1  There are many animals that live in the grassland ecosystem. Grass and small shrubs are the producers in this biome. Rabbits, squirrels and mice and are the primary consumers. Rabbits and mice and eat only small shrubs from the grassland. The squirrels eat both grass and small shrubs. Foxes eat the rabbits and mice. Quick Class Practice

25  Ecosystem 2  Tropical rainforests are the most diverse biome in the world and there are many connections in between species. There are many producers that live in the rainforest, including orchids(flowers), banana trees, the coconut tree and bamboo. The primary consumers are the macaw (bird), fruit bats, monkeys and insects. The macaw and the fruit bats eat orchids and banana trees. The monkeys and insects eat bamboo, banana trees and coconut trees. Pythons and jaguars are secondary consumers. Pythons eat macaws and fruit bats. Jaguars eat macaws, monkeys and insects. Quick Class Practice

26  1. How many species are in the grassland ecosystem BEFORE the brush fire?  2. How many species are in the grassland ecosystem AFTER the brush fire?  3. How many species were lost in the grassland ecosystem because of the brush fire?  4. How many species are in the rainforest ecosystem BEFORE the disease?  5. How many species are in the rainforest ecosystem AFTER the disease? Quick Class Practice

27  6. How many species were lost in the rainforest ecosystem because the disease hit?  7. Which ecosystem started with the largest biodiversity?  8. Which ecosystem ended with the largest biodiversity?  9. Which ecosystem is more stable? Quick Class Practice

28  Directions: As a group, work on the study guide using your notes and textbook.  Time: 15 minutes  Noise: 2 (with group) Study Guide Work Time 1234 NicohStephanieDavidSmokey BarrianRidelNickDaniel G. AndreaEliudAveryDarrius HeferChris E.

29  Directions: Work on the visual aid slide for your ecology research project. Email your slide to Mrs. Ireland when you are finished.   Time:15 minutes  Noise: 0 (no talking required) Visual Aid Work Time 12345678910 EvaWyattTravisSteph en Daniel V. KaylaZavenAlfredBrianChase EricFranci sco Eduar do Terriy an Fabie n Aman i

30  Directions: As a group, work on the study guide using your notes and textbook.  Time: 15 minutes  Noise: 2 (with group) Study Guide Work Time 12345678910 EvaWyattTravisSteph en Daniel V. KaylaZavenAlfredBrianChase EricFranci sco Eduar do Terriy an Fabie n Aman i

31  Directions: Work on the visual aid slide for your ecology research project. Email your slide to Mrs. Ireland when you are finished.   Time:15 minutes  Noise: 0 (no talking required) Visual Aid Work Time 12345678910 Smo key Nico h Barri an Step hani e Darri us Andr ea EluidRidelHefe r Dani el G. Davi d NickAver y Chris E.

32  Directions: Complete quiz corrections for quiz #7 and #8. Use this time as a review for the ecology test.  Time: Until the end of class  Noise: 1 (with a partner) Quiz #7 and #8

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