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A& M Libraries Voyager Training Basic Cataloging February 21, 2007 Janet H. Ahrberg Oklahoma State University Library.

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Presentation on theme: "A& M Libraries Voyager Training Basic Cataloging February 21, 2007 Janet H. Ahrberg Oklahoma State University Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 A& M Libraries Voyager Training Basic Cataloging February 21, 2007 Janet H. Ahrberg Oklahoma State University Library

2 2 Topics Using and Creating Templates Creating Local Authority Records Setting Voyager and Connexion for Unicode Modification of Connexion Setting for Deletion of Extra 035 field in Voyager

3 3 Why Create Additional Templates? Use for special projects that OCLC records are not created. Also create templates that are incorporated into the daily cataloging workflow More Efficient and Accurate Cataloging Saves time and keystrokes and less errors when keying in repetitive data

4 4 Bibliographic Record Template of a local bib. record for a special project

5 5 MFHD used for adding the electronic copy of National Academy Press titles MFHD Example

6 6 Go To: File  Template  New  Create a New Record (select type from box ) Creating a Template

7 7 Holdings Template

8 8 Go to: FILE  Save As  Give the file a name  Save to Voyager/Catalog/Template MFHD Created from a Template

9 9 1. Go to: Options  Preferences--> Folders/Files. Click on the Template type. 2. Click on Voyager  Catalog  Template. Double click the selected template to upload Uploading the Template

10 10 Creating Local Authority Records Using the Create Auth. Command Helps provide local bibliographic control Names Create local personal name authorities primarily for OSU Thesis Series Create local series authorities for ones that may be problematic, questionable, not enough information.

11 11 Save Bib. Record to bring up the Authority Validation Screen Creating a Name Authority for a Thesis

12 12 Authority Validation Screen No Authority Record Click on “Create auth” to make a local authority from the bibliographic record

13 13 Local name authority record

14 14 Local Series Authority Record

15 15 Setting Connexion and Voyager for Unicode Unicode is a single character set that incorporates all of the different alphabets into one In the new version of Voyager, the incorporation of the Unicode format will now allow the use of the unicode character sets and display of non-Latin characters Settings in both Voyager (to read the characters correctly) and Connexion (to export the characters correctly) must be set

16 16 OCLC Record Displaying the 245 Field Title in the Original Language

17 17 Voyager MARC Record Coding of 245 field is different. The original foreign language title drops to an 880 field. Note: The Voyager Tag Tables also had to be modified to include the 880 tag so that the original language could display in the records.

18 18 OPAC DISPLAY The Original Foreign Language Title Now Appears at the Bottom of the Record

19 19 Setting Voyager for Unicode Go to: Options  Preferences  Mapping tab. The first drop-down menu (Expected Character Set of Imported Records, Local Import) should be: MARC21 UTF-8

20 20 Setting Connexion for Unicode In Connexion, on the menu bar choose Tools  Options  Export Tab. At the bottom of the screen, by “Choose an export format,” change The setting to: Unicode.

21 21 Unicode Compliance Font To correctly display all of the information in the new version of Voyager, use a UNICODE compliant font: Microsoft Arial Unicode font

22 22 SettiFoSettiFo Setting Voyager Font to Read Non-Latin Scripts Go to: Options  Preferences  Colors/Fonts, choose the font: Arial Unicode MS

23 23 Modification of Connexion Setting for Deletion of Extra 035 field in Voyager for Individual Records Problem: Imported OCLC records were coming into Voyager with two 035 fields (OCLC control number) Why: OCLC changed how it added the OCLC control number to exported records Solution: Change Connexion Settings So It Deletes the Extra 035 field OK to delete since Voyager creates an OCLC number from the control fields for each record imported For batchloaded bib. records, use the prebulking process before loading the records to strip the 035. Note: OSU has not tested

24 24 Change Connexion Settings So It Deletes the Extra 035 field In Connexion open, choose “Tools” from the pull-down menu, and select “Options” Choose the “Export” tab. At the bottom, to the right of the third green arrow, click the “Field Export Options” button.Under “Fields to Delete, Bibliographic Records,” type: 035 This will delete the 035 field added by OCLC, while Voyager will continue to generate the standard 035 field

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