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Catechesis in The Diocese of Orange Present Reality and Future Possibilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Catechesis in The Diocese of Orange Present Reality and Future Possibilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catechesis in The Diocese of Orange Present Reality and Future Possibilities

2 Guidance Documents November 1999 January 1998 May 2005 December 2005 March 2012

3 “The single most critical factor in an effective parish catechetical program is the leadership of a professionally trained parish catechetical leader.” National Directory for Catechesis, 8

4 1. Faith Formation Census 2. Emerging Models of Faith Formation 3. Catechist Formation Catechesis in our Diocese: What we know...where we’re going

5 Enrollment Totals - 5-year Comparison What the Census shows us…

6 2005-10 - Comparison by Grade What the Census shows us…

7 Takes us beyond classroom model Adults priority; Engages parents Distinguishes between Catechesis and Sacrament Preparation

8 Emerging Models Intergenerational Catechesis

9 Emerging Models Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

10 Emerging Models Early Adolescent Initiatives ► Team Training Weekends ► FREE Curriculum Materials ► Next Step: Parent Resources, Programs and Support

11 Emerging Models Research Trends and Design New Initiatives John Roberto

12  Creates a community of lifelong learners utilizing the whole church as a community of formation and transformation  Is personalized, customized, and intentionally intergenerational  Utilizes the significant milestones and life transitions across the life span to deepen their faith engage them in church life and family faith practices

13  Offers people a variety of Christian practices giving people a firsthand experience guides them in living the practice in their daily lives.  Provides learning that is experiential, image-rich, multi-sensory, interactive engaging, and varied in learning style.

14  Creates expectations for family participation in learning and church life by providing a yearly faith growth plan with a variety options for experiencing the Christian faith through communitylife.  Engages all ages in mission and service  Is making a massive investment of time, resources, and energy in family faith formation at home and at church

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