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TRAVEL REPORT FOR ICVSS 2013 Ph.D. student Chang-Ryeol Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "TRAVEL REPORT FOR ICVSS 2013 Ph.D. student Chang-Ryeol Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRAVEL REPORT FOR ICVSS 2013 Ph.D. student Chang-Ryeol Lee

2 Contents Introduction Location Participants Main Program Lectures Poster session People Friends Activity after school Conclusion

3 Introduction Location 오사카 - 로마 ( 국제선 ) 로마 - 카타니아 ( 국내선 ) 카타니아 –LE CASTELLA ( 버스 )

4 Introduction Participants

5 Main program: Time table 월화수목금 9:00 - 11:00 Lecture 1Lecture 4Lecture 7Lecture 9Lecture 11 Visipedia Part-Based Models Image Parsing Decision Forests Variational Methods 11:20 - 13:20 Lecture 2Lecture 5Lecture 8Lecture 10Lecture 12 Humans in the Loop Visual LearningDeep Learning Structure-from- motion Real-Time descriptor Launch 3:00 – 5:00 Lecture 3Lecture 6 Practical session A Practical session B Exam Online Learning Object and scene recognition Instance Recognition Category Recognition Dinner 7:00-9:30Free timeBoat trip Fork danceGala dinnerClosing party 9:30 -Poster session

6 Main program: Lectures Human in the loop

7 Main program: Lectures Human in the loop

8 Main program: Lectures Domain adaptation

9 Main program: Lectures Domain adaptation

10 Main program: Lectures Domain adaptation

11 Main program: Lectures Domain adaptation

12 Main program: Lectures Domain adaptation

13 Main program: Lectures Image parsing

14 Main program: Lectures Image parsing: ① SuperParsing

15 Main program: Lectures Image parsing: ② detection, then parsing

16 Main program: Lectures Image parsing: ③ detection + parsing

17 Main program: Poster session DENSE, AUTO-CALIBRATING VISUAL ODOMETRY Relation between camera and vehicle Homography Cost function

18 Main program: Poster session TOWARDS A VISUAL GYROSCOPE Unreliable magnetic compass 와 low-cost IMU 를 대신할 수 있다. Contribution 1.learning-based prefiltering of features 2.Optimal keyframe selection for rotation

19 Main program: Practical Session Instance / category Recognition

20 Main program Exam for certification 31 문제 ( 객관식 ) 50 점 이상 합격

21 People: friends 관련 연구 분야 박사과정 학생들 Jacek Zienkiewicz Imperial College London (Andrew Davison) PhD student (2012-) Research area: Dense Vision for Mobile Robot Guidance Wilfried Hartmann Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH Zürich PhD student (2012-) Research area: Photogrammetry, Visual Compass, Visual SLAM Ir. Floris Gaisser TU Delft Personal Robots Team Researcher (2013-) Research area: PTAM, visual recognition

22 People: friends 다양한 나라, 다양한 주제로 연구하는 사람들 Rest Break time in Le Castella Rome

23 People: activities after school Monday or Tuesday - Boat trip ( and swimming) Wednesday - Traditional Folk Dance and Guided Tour Thursday - Gala Dinner at the Terrace/Party on the Beach Friday - Closing Party at the Swimming Pool

24 Conclusion Lecture 들이 Learning 과 Recognition 에 관한 내용이 많음. Background 부터 최신 연구 내용들까지 폭넓게 다루고 있기 때문에 관련분야를 잘 모르는 사람에게 매우 유익함. 해외의 많은 Computer Vision 연구자들을 만나 보고 이야 기를 나눌 수 있는 좋은 기회. 지중해와 유럽의 자연을 느낄 수 있는 좋은 기회임.

25 Thank you

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