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Essential Question: How are binary fission in bacteria different from mitosis in eukaryotic cells? Science 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: How are binary fission in bacteria different from mitosis in eukaryotic cells? Science 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: How are binary fission in bacteria different from mitosis in eukaryotic cells? Science 7

2 Next Science Test: “Cell Division” Unit Test Wednesday, December 9 Study guide is also posted online

3 Homework: Science It is recommended that you complete “SLIDE 7” from your “Cell Division” unit review slide presentation REMEMBER THAT WE ADDED 4 SLIDES TO THE SLIDESHOW REQUIREMENT YESTERDAY!!!

4 Most Missed Question: Review of the Day Which of the following best explains why unicellular organisms go through cell division? A. In order to develop new kinds of cells B. In order to repair C. In order to grow D. In order to reproduce

5 Cell Division: Vocabulary The life cycle of a cell from the time it is “born” when the parent cell divides to when the new cell itself divides CELL CYCLE

6 Cell Division: Vocabulary This is the time in the cell’s life when the cell carries out its normal cell functions; this is when the cell is not dividing. INTERPHASE

7 Cell Division: Vocabulary This is a type of cell division that occurs in eukaryotic cells to create new cells with the same DNA; it is also the specific name for the step in which the nucleus of an eukaryotic cell divides. MITOSIS

8 Cell Division: Vocabulary This is when the cell’s cytoplasm divides; it is the end of the cell cycle CYTOKINESIS

9 Cell Division: The offspring cells of mitosis have _______ percent the same DNA as one another. The offspring cells of mitosis have _______ percent the same DNA as the parent cell.

10 Reproduction: Vocabulary This is a type of reproduction that involves ONE parent organism. It results in offspring with IDENTICAL DNA to the parent cell. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION This is a type of reproduction that involves TWO parent organisms. It results in offspring with 50% of its DNA from one parent and 50% of its DNA from the other parent SEXUAL REPRODUCTION

11 REPRODUCTION: Vocabulary This is a type of ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION where a unicellular organism uses cell division to reproduce. Bacteria reproduce in this manner. BINARY FISSION

12 Key Cell Theory Concepts that you MUST know! All living things are made of _______________. An organism made of one cell is called a __________________ organism. An organisms made of many cells is called a _________________ organism Cells with no nucleus or organelles are called __________________ cells. Cells with a nucleus and organelles are called ___________________ cells. Cell theory of biology can be summarized with three statements: _______________________________

13 Key Cell Theory Concepts that you MUST know! When the mitochondria use oxygen to break apart sugar (glucose) to release energy, they are carrying out the process of _______________ ______________. The waste products of cellular respiration are ______________ and __________. When the chloroplast uses water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide to make sugar (glucose), it is carrying out the process of _____________________. The products produced by photosynthesis are ______________ and ___________. When water moves through the cell membrane from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration, the process of __________________ is taking place.

14 Today’s Topic: How do bacteria go through asexual reproduction?

15 Task #1 With your Group: Your group has been given two readings: one on mitosis and one on binary fission. Read through these readings as a group While you are reading, identify key words and phrases in the reading and highlight them When finished reading, make a chart comparing and contrasting binary fission and mitosis. See below example:

16 Task #2 With your Group: Make a poster comparing and contrasting binary fission and mitosis --Make a diagram of the process of mitosis and identify each step --Make a diagram of the process of binary fission and identify each step --Below your diagrams, identify what kind of cells use that process to replicate themselves --At the bottom, list FIVE DIFFERENCES between the two processes -- On a separate piece of paper, write THREE questions that ask about the information on your poster. Write the answers to these questions on ANOTHER separate piece of paper

17 Exit Ticket: Access the “Exit Tickets” page of DeBolt’s wiki Click on the link for today’s exit ticket Complete the quiz before leaving class Name format: “your period number, Last name, First name”

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