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NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Technical Committee Report to NPSS AdCom Charles Watson July 19, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Technical Committee Report to NPSS AdCom Charles Watson July 19, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Technical Committee Report to NPSS AdCom Charles Watson July 19, 2008

2 NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 2 NMISC actions  Voted to increase the NMISTC awards by 50%  IEEE Young Investigator Medical Imaging Science Award: $1500  The Edward J Hoffman Medical Imaging Scientist Award: $3000  Approved a motion to rename the YI award in honor of Bruce Hasegawa

3 NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 3 NMISC elections  Candidates for AdCom representative (Ron Jaszczak’s seat)  Tom Lewellen (University of Washington)  Dimitris Visvikis (INSERM, France)  Candidates for NMISC  Ron Jaszczak (Duke University)  Irene Buvat (CNRS, France)  Kris Inewski (Redlen Technologies, Canada)  Georges El Fakhri (Massachusetts General Hospital)  Ray Muzic (Case Western Reserve University)

4 NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 4 MIC status  2007, Honolulu (Benjamin Tsui, General Chair; Eric Frey, MIC Program Chair)  Defer to Craig Woody for financial status  2008, Dresden (Uwe Bratzler, General Chair; Wolfgang Enghardt, MIC Program Chair)  Defer to Uwe Bratzler for status:  > 2000 abstract submissions (total) from nearly 60 countries  Abstract review complete, sessions being organized  10 special-focus workshops on site  2 satellite workshops with IEEE technical co-sponsorship:  Joint Workshop on Detector Development (DESY, Hamburg), Oct 16 – 17  Hybrid Imaging with MR-PET (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich), Oct 27 – 28  2009, Orlando (Richard Lanza, General Chair; Ramsey Badawi, MIC Program Chair)  Defer to Dick Lanza for status

5 NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 5 MIC status continued  2010, Knoxville (Ron Keyser, General Chair; David Townsend, MIC Program Chair)  The entire committee has been formed with acceptances from everyone  The contract for the convention center and the hotels has been signed and a deposit given  The convention center deposit covered by the City of Knoxville – to be repayed with advance from IEEE  The budget process has been started, but not much detail yet  Expect to be the first user of the new budget software  2011 (David Townsend, General Chair)  Very likely in Valencia, Spain (Spain’s third largest city, on the eastern Mediterranean coast)  Valencia Conference Center and the neighboring Sorollo and Hilton Hotels  Defer to Craig Woody for additional details  2012  West coast North America (Albuquerque, Seattle, Vancouver, Spokane, Anaheim, Reno or San Diego)  Three more site visits planned  Recommendation by Dresden meeting

6 NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 6 2008 Dresden NSS/MIC update from Ron Keyser  Ralf Engels has been able to get the following concessions from the hotels:  Westin, Hilton and Maritim all on one rate (149EUR single, 169EUR for two people)  The Kempinski Hotel was added; single and double at 199EUR  Room block at the IBIS and ArtOtel increased  All together we have now 7850 room nights reserved and over 3200 are already booked  The closest hotels to the AdCom dinners are the Hilton and Steigenberger  Steigenberger is an established German hotel chain  This hotel was built in 2006 and is the same quality as the Hilton  Approx. the same distance to the conference center  All the exhibit booths have been sold

7 NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 7 2007 Hawaii NSS/MIC CIP results from Dora Merelli and Ingrid Gregor Ratings from 500 CIP feedback and evaluation forms:

8 NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 8 2007 Hawaii NSS/MIC CIP results from Dora Merelli and Ingrid Gregor How often should the Conference be outside USA? Where should it be?

9 NMISTC Report July 19, 2008 9 Two conclusions from the CIP report on NSS/MIC  Participants strongly desire it be held outside North America more frequently than the current 4 year interval (2000, 2004, 2008)  There seems to be a desire for more educational content (refresher courses, short courses, workshops, plenary sessions, overview and summary talks)

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