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HHS JV Rides and Clears “learn it, love it, live it! “

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1 HHS JV Rides and Clears “learn it, love it, live it! “

2 MM M A A A Man / Chase ride (ladder clear) Red D G M M DD M Middies lock up with opposing middies man to man and stay with them wherever they go Near attk plays “soft” 1 v2 with D and goalie Other 2 attk lock up on D man to man

3 M M M A A A Man / Chase ride (“H” clear) Red D G M MD D M Middies lock up with opposing middies man to man and stay with them wherever they go Near attk plays “soft” 2 v3 with D and goalie Other attk lock up on to far D man to man

4 M M M A A A H Clear – ball below restraining line opponent in Red D G M M D D A A A Pole to take ball out of bounds whenever possible. Far side Middie always across the midfield line M

5 M MM A A A Basic Clear Ball above restraining line- opponent in Red (Note middie taking ball out) D G M M D M D A A A Middie to take ball out of bounds whenever possible. -evaluate ride -Have a plan -know your options Middie clars out to offensive side of field so attk can cut to middie for pass. 3 options: -Carry across -Pass to cutting middies or attk -Pass back to D-pole

6 M MM A A A Passback Clear Ball above restraining line- opponent in Red D G M M D M D A A A -After the ball is passed back, middies transition into basic H clear Middie clars out to offensive side of field so attk can cut to middie for pass. Middie elects to passback to D-pole Attk get back onsides once passback is made 20 secs to clear

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