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FSHN 167 Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Review. What is your favorite food? Is it “good” or “bad”? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "FSHN 167 Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Review. What is your favorite food? Is it “good” or “bad”? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 FSHN 167 Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Review

2 What is your favorite food? Is it “good” or “bad”? Why?

3 6 Classes of nutrients Which of these 6 are macronutrients? How many calories per gram of each macronutrient?

4 Essential vs. Non Essential Essential: What makes it essential? Example Non Essential: What makes it non essential? Example

5 Nutrition Standards and Guidelines DRI (For micronutrients) RDAUL (For macronutrients) AMDR What does each acronym stand for? What is the goal of each? What are the AMDR values?

6 Translation for Consumers My Plate What are its groups based on?

7 Translation for Consumers 6 steps to reading a food label: Practice calculation: How many calories from Fat?Carbs?Protein? What %age of total kcals comes from Fat?Carbs?Protein? Vanilla Toffee Bar Crunch Ben and Jerry’s

8 Answers to Calculations How many calories from Fat: 180 kcal Carbs: 104 kcal Protein: 16 kcal What percentage of total kcals from Fat: 60% Carbs: 35% Protein: 5%

9 Digestion and Absorption On notebook paper: 1.Draw out digestion of carbs 2.Draw out digestion of protein 3.Draw out digestion of fat Where does each nutrient go after absorption?

10 Regulation of Digestive System Hormones:GastrinSecretinGhrelin Cholecystokinin (CCK) Make a chart!

11 Carbohydrates Classifications: Monosaccharides (3) Disaccharides (3) Polysaccharides (3) Give an example of each

12 Fiber Two types: SolubleExamples?InsolubleExamples?

13 Regulation of blood sugar “Homeostasis” In class, she gave 6 steps of regulation. Walk through the process by explaining or drawing a picture.

14 Glycemic Index What information does it provide us with? What group of people is this information most relevant to? How can we affect the GI value of a food? Is the GI value of a food equal to the blood glucose level you will have after you eat it?

15 Diabetes What 2 things are directly associated with Diabetes? Compare Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Symptoms, causes, long term effects, and treatment.

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