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Financial Results for the year ending 31 st March 2013 Draft Financial Results 1.

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1 Financial Results for the year ending 31 st March 2013 Draft Financial Results 1

2 (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Income from Services25654.8125982.13(327.32)(1.26) Other Income1473.081951.37(478.29)(24.51) Total Income27127.8927933.50(805.61)(2.88) Employees’ Remuneration & Benefits13757.8213406.04351.782.62 Office and Administration Expenses10402.3510293.91108.441.05 License and Spectrum Fee2052.363527.72(1475.36)(41.82) Financial Expenses351.47184.12167.3590.89 Depreciation8336.439174.32(837.89)(9.13) Total Expenditure34900.4336586.11(1685.68)(4.61) Profit/Loss before Prior Period Adjustments and Extraordinary Items (7772.54)(8652.61)880.07(10.17) Prior Period Adjustments(182.82)(168.32)(14.50)8.61 Profit before Tax(7955.36)(8820.93)865.57(9.81) Deferred Tax70.92(29.77)100.69(338.23) Profit after Tax(7884.44)(8850.70)966.26(10.92) 2

3 Continued …… (Figure in Crore) Particulars As at 31 March 2013 (Draft) As at 31 March 2012 (Audited) EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholder's Funds Share Capital12500.00 Reserves and Surplus50762.4058671.02 Deferred government grant376.330.00 63638.7371171.02 Non-current liabilities Long term borrowings1703.18 Other Long term liabilities4037.254262.57 Long term provisions6870.086279.81 12610.5112245.56 Current liabilities Short term borrowings2561.141320.47 Trade payables9500.929846.68 Other current liabilities6846.176789.29 Short term provisions531.84462.31 19440.0718418.75 TOTAL95689.31101835.33 3

4 (Figure in Crore) Particulars As at 31 March 2013 (Draft) As at 31 March 2012 (Audited) ASSETS Non-current assets Fixed Assets - Tangible assets45557.5350066.79 - Intangible assets15288.8516200.53 - Capital work-in-progress3696.004227.05 - Intangible assets under development14.6220.43 64557.0070514.80 Non-current investments6575.116013.52 Deferred tax assets (net)133.3062.38 Long-term loans and advances6847.286504.76 78112.6983095.46 Current Assets Inventories3772.093596.78 Trade receivables2953.393962.18 Cash and Bank Balances1161.251885.09 Short-term loans and advances926.171141.42 Other current assets7739.146918.25 16552.0417503.72 Intra/Inter Circle Remittances1024.581236.15 TOTAL95689.31101835.33 4

5 (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Income from Consumer Fixed Access11224.6812228.55(1003.87)(8.21) Income from Consumer Mobility12410.4011754.23656.175.58 Income from Entreprise Business1796.741803.75(7.01)(0.39) Income from New Business222.99195.6027.3914.00 Total Income from Services25654.8125982.13(327.32)(1.26) 5

6 (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Telephones other than WLL4788.975432.25(643.28)(11.84) Telegraphs & Telex10.8813.07(2.19)(16.76) Other value added Services (N 1)15.5331.96(16.43)(51.41) Income from WLL2.613.14(0.53)(16.88) Income from PCOs160.54224.39(63.85)(28.45) Recoverable from MTNL119.1786.2532.9238.17 Receipts from Other operators (IUC) (N 2)1203.311497.32(294.01)(19.64) Income from Broad Band Services3819.343484.97334.379.59 Other Operating Income (N 3))1104.321455.19(350.87)(24.11) Income from Consumer Fixed Access11224.6812228.55(1003.87)(8.21) N1 – Other value added services includes INET (Toll free number), Integrated service digital network (ISDN), Very small aperture terminal (VSAT). N2 –Reduction in IUC is mainly due to reduction of tariff in carriage charges, cancellation of port charges, shrinking of the size of PSTN. N3 -Other operating income includes Subsidy from DOT for Rural Telephony, Receipt from USO Fund and Govt. of India, Subsidy from USOF for rural broadband. 6

7 (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Income from Cellular Services10275.969825.32450.644.59 Income from WILL218.44328.02(109.58)(33.41) Receipts from Other operators (IUC)1862.011592.97269.0416.89 Other Operating Income (N 1)53.987.9346.05580.71 Total Income from Consumer Mobility12410.4011754.23656.175.58 N1 -Other operating income includes USO Subsidy for provision of Mobile service sites and Subsidy from Govt. for rural broad band (WIMAX). 7

8 N1 - Income from passive infrastructure includes passive Infrastructure provisioning fee, monthly service charge, Late fee etc. (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Lease Circuits1796.741803.75(7.01)(0.39) Total Income from Enterprise Business1796.741803.75(7.01)(0.39) (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Income for USO Towers147.87149.65(1.78)(1.19) Income from Passive Infrastructure (N 1)75.1245.9529.1763.48 Total Income from New Business222.99195.6027.3914.00 8

9 (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Interest income - On deposits in Banks67.62112.89(45.27)(40.10) - Others (N 1)70.62212.37(141.75)(66.75) 138.24325.26(187.02)(57.50) Other non-operating income - Profit on sale of Assets48.5958.98(10.38)(17.61) - Liquidated Damages311.78443.13(131.35)(29.64) - Excess provision written back667.92754.95(87.03)(11.53) - Rent of Staff Quarters26.5721.525.0523.47 - Sale of Scrap42.0453.76(11.72)(21.81) - Others income (N 2)184.15252.52(68.37)(27.07) - Reimbursement from USO Admin for USO Towers53.7941.2512.5430.40 1334.841626.11(291.26)(17.91) Total of Other Income1473.081951.37(478.28)(24.51) N1 – In previous year BSNL had received interest from private operators due to court judgement on dispute of payment of IUC bills. N2 – Other income includes sale of equipments/stores, Network operations and control center (NOCC) charges received, Examination fee, Receipts on recruitment etc. 9

10 (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Salaries, Wages, Allowance and Other Benefits12080.6811621.41459.283.95 Leave Encashment (including provision)645.50406.92238.5858.63 Pension Contribution916.411179.65(263.24)(22.31) Employer's contribution towards EPF159.33140.0419.2913.78 Gratuity (including provision)41.4230.4510.9736.02 Leave Salary Contribution8.089.29(1.21)(13.07) Medical Expenditure305.85430.78(124.92)(29.00) Staff Welfare expenses19.1322.82(3.69)(16.18) 14176.4013841.36335.052.42 Less : Allocated to Capital Work-in-Progress418.58435.32(16.73)(3.84) Total of Employees Remuneration and Benefits13757.8213406.04351.782.62 10

11 (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Interest on Government Loan195.99167.1528.8317.25 Interest on Subscribers Deposit0.284.61(4.33)(93.98) Interest on bank loan150.998.20142.791741.37 Interest on others1.900.930.97103.78 Bank charges2.313.23(0.92)(28.50) Total of Financial Cost351.47184.12167.3590.89 11

12 Continued …… (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Rent323.22321.751.480.46 Lease charges4.564.390.173.82 Rates and Taxes61.8461.600.240.39 Power and Fuel2532.562285.09247.4710.83 Insurance1.951.860.094.84 Repairs and Maintenance -Buildings270.77277.94(7.16)(2.58) -Plant and Machinery851.19824.8026.393.20 -Cables429.93406.2823.655.82 -Others72.1974.82(2.63)(3.52) Professional and Consultancy charges21.1926.64(5.45)(20.45) Payment to auditors2.982.820.165.67 Printing and Stationery68.8678.71(9.86)(12.53) Commission on Franchise Services512.01407.34104.6725.70 Advertisement9.009.13(0.13)(1.38) Business Promotion and Marketing Expenses31.7039.75(8.05)(20.24) Travel Expenses83.76103.59(19.84)(19.15) Postage and Courier Charges71.1580.38(9.23)(11.49) Security Services278.05296.49(18.44)(6.22) 12

13 (Figure in Crore) Particulars2012-13 (Draft) 2011-12 (Audited) Absolute Change % Change Vehicle Running Expenses (Including hired vehicles)206.91202.154.762.35 IUC payable to other service providers2258.582298.39(39.82)(1.73) Expenditure on Services and other expenses1364.111382.22(18.11)(1.31) Penalty for CAF verification19.920.0019.92NA Write off and losses other than Bad debts224.63437.08(212.46)(48.61) Bad-Debt Provision other than services20.9627.78(6.82)(24.55) Bad-Debt actually written off247.01234.9112.105.15 Provision for doubtful debts and disputed bills415.34380.4934.859.16 Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Loss/ (Gain) (Net)10.7434.04(23.30)(68.45) Loss/(Profit) from Factories61.1141.1219.9948.62 Loss/(Profit) from Construction/Telecom services projects(5.99)(2.86)(3.13)109.55 Other expenditure (N 1)2.931.121.81162.47 10453.1610339.82113.341.10 Less: Allocated to Capital Project Works50.8145.914.9010.67 Total of Administrative, Operating and Other expenses10402.3510293.91108.441.05 N1 – Other expenditure includes expenditure relating to Internet data center (IDC), wealth tax, write off of unrecovered service tax.. 13

14 Continued …… (Fig in crore) CIRCLE NAMETOTAL INCOME % Change TOTAL EXPENDITURE % ChangeNET PROFIT % Change 2012-132011-12 2012-132011-12 2012-132011-12 TERRITORIAL CIRCLES KERALA TELECOM24402341421832184(0)25715764 ORISSA TELECOM815805178577023035(14) J & K TELECOM4284114426437(2)2(26)(107) CGM ANDAMAN & NICOBAR4748(1)53513(5)(3)70 CHENNAI TELEPHONES10181023(0)10431082(4)(24)(59) UTTARANCHAL TELECOM3012885339350(3)(38)(62)(40) NORTH-EAST II169205(17)2332311(64)(27)139 N.E.TELECOM189194(2)2552483(66)(54)22 HIMACHAL TELECOM330368(10)401413(3)(71)(46)56 CHATTISGARH TELECOM2822772357374(5)(74)(98)(24) HARYANA TELECOM699732(4)845853(1)(146)(121)20 ASSAM TELECOM426456(7)600615(2)(174)(160)9 JHARKAND TELECOM288314(8)50542319(217)(109)100 PUNJAB TELECOM10611081(2)12931375(6)(231)(294)(21) KARNATAKA TELECOM21272073323612448(4)(234)(375)(38) RAJASTHAN TELECOM11651227(5)14251515(6)(260)(288)(10) 14

15 (Fig in crore) CIRCLE NAMETOTAL INCOME % Change TOTAL EXPENDITURE % ChangeNET PROFIT % Change 2012-132011-12 2012-132011-12 2012-132011-12 MADHYA PRADESH TELECOM911937(3)11961300(8)(284)(363)(22) CALCUTTA TELEPHONES690786(12)10461047(0)(356)(261)36 U.P.WEST TELECOM739736011271134(1)(388)(398)(2) BIHAR TELECOM488496(2)905943(4)(417)(447)(7) U.P.EAST TELECOM14211521(7)192018931(499)(372)34 ANDHRA TELECOM23862308328992930(1)(512)(622)(18) TAMILNADU TELECOM19211894124342461(1)(513)(568)(10) WEST BENGAL TELECOM608657(7)112210903(515)(433)19 MAHARASHTRA TELECOM27622700232953520(6)(534)(820)(35) GUJARAT TELECOM13991444(3)20282076(2)(628)(632)(1) TOTAL2511325320(1)3107631763(2)(5962)(6443)(7) NON TERRITORIAL CIRCLES20152613(23)38244823(21)(1809)(2210)(18) GRAND TOTAL2712827933(3)3490036586(5)(7772)(8653)(10) Prior period item(183)(168) Deferred Tax71(30) Net Profit(7884)(8851) 15

16 Thank You 16

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