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Endangered Species: The Giant Panda Christina Devitt Grade: 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Endangered Species: The Giant Panda Christina Devitt Grade: 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endangered Species: The Giant Panda Christina Devitt Grade: 5

2 By the end of this Presentation you should know…. Where Pandas were once located? Where Pandas were once located? What do Pandas Eat? What do Pandas Eat? How Pandas breed? How Pandas breed? Where are Pandas now? Where are Pandas now? Where there habitat has gone? Where there habitat has gone? Why there main source of food has disappeared. Why there main source of food has disappeared. Threats about Pandas. Threats about Pandas. How many Pandas are left? How many Pandas are left?

3 Giant Panda Facts: Giant pandas have black-and-white fur and look like bears. Adult pandas can be up to be 6 feet long and can weigh up to 350 pounds. All over the world, people always find the panda to be "cute" or "adorable." Giant pandas have black-and-white fur and look like bears. Adult pandas can be up to be 6 feet long and can weigh up to 350 pounds. All over the world, people always find the panda to be "cute" or "adorable." It is not known that Pandas can only see in color.It is not known that Pandas can only see in color. It is rare, but there are some pandas that are brown and white in coloring.It is rare, but there are some pandas that are brown and white in coloring. Ailuropoda Melanoleuca, the scientific name for Pandas.Ailuropoda Melanoleuca, the scientific name for Pandas. Unlike other bears, Pandas do not hibernate.

4 Where Were Pandas Once Located? There is evidence that the giant pandas suggest that there are some 2-3 million ancestor of giant panda were widely There is evidence that the giant pandas suggest that there are some 2-3 million ancestor of giant panda were widely distributed over much of eastern and southern China as far north as Beijing. Panda fossils have also been found in northern Myanmar (Burma) and northern Vietnam.

5 What do Pandas Eat? The panda's diet, consisting almost entirely of bamboo, also factors into its population problems. The average panda spends up to 12 hours a day feeding and can consume as much as 36 pounds of bamboo in this time. Unfortunately, bamboo undergoes a renewal cycle every 50 years or so. The panda's diet, consisting almost entirely of bamboo, also factors into its population problems. The average panda spends up to 12 hours a day feeding and can consume as much as 36 pounds of bamboo in this time. Unfortunately, bamboo undergoes a renewal cycle every 50 years or so.

6 Breeding One major obstacle of increasing the Panda population is their slow and challenging reproduction rate. Pandas only breed once a year,. One major obstacle of increasing the Panda population is their slow and challenging reproduction rate. Pandas only breed once a year,. Pandas use mating calls and scent marks, to find a mate. They usually don’t have much difficulty finding a mate by using these methods. Pandas use mating calls and scent marks, to find a mate. They usually don’t have much difficulty finding a mate by using these methods. Pandas reach mating maturity at about 5-6 years of age. If their partnering is successful, Pandas undergo a 3-5 month development period, and give birth to one or two babies. Unfortunately, when two cubs are born, it is common for only one to survive. Pandas reach mating maturity at about 5-6 years of age. If their partnering is successful, Pandas undergo a 3-5 month development period, and give birth to one or two babies. Unfortunately, when two cubs are born, it is common for only one to survive.

7 Where are Pandas Now? Today giant pandas are confined to temperate forests scattered across 6 mountain ranges in southwestern China: Minshan, Qinling, Qionglai, Liangshan, Daxiangling, and Xiaoxiangling. These forests are some of the most biologically rich temperate areas on Earth. Today giant pandas are confined to temperate forests scattered across 6 mountain ranges in southwestern China: Minshan, Qinling, Qionglai, Liangshan, Daxiangling, and Xiaoxiangling. These forests are some of the most biologically rich temperate areas on Earth.

8 Where has there Habitat Gone? Pandas habitat loss is due to an explosive population growth and the weak use of natural resources has pandas staying to where they feel most comfortable of there natural forest but most of there habitat has been cut down for agriculture, timber and fuel wood. Pandas habitat loss is due to an explosive population growth and the weak use of natural resources has pandas staying to where they feel most comfortable of there natural forest but most of there habitat has been cut down for agriculture, timber and fuel wood. Because of China's dense human population, many panda populations are isolated in narrow belts of bamboo no more than 1,000-1,200 meters in width - and panda habitat is continuing to disappear as settlers push higher up the mountain slopes.Because of China's dense human population, many panda populations are isolated in narrow belts of bamboo no more than 1,000-1,200 meters in width - and panda habitat is continuing to disappear as settlers push higher up the mountain slopes.

9 What is happening to all the Bamboo that the Pandas eat? ' Bamboo is a natural phenomenon, occurring every 15-120 years depending on the type of bamboo. Once the bamboo dies it can take a year to renew from seed and as long as 20 years before a new crop can support a giant panda population. Bamboo die-back may have helped to separate giant pandas in the distant past, as many pandas migrated to seek areas with other species of bamboo, but now human settlements form a barrier against giant panda movements. Bamboo is a natural phenomenon, occurring every 15-120 years depending on the type of bamboo. Once the bamboo dies it can take a year to renew from seed and as long as 20 years before a new crop can support a giant panda population. Bamboo die-back may have helped to separate giant pandas in the distant past, as many pandas migrated to seek areas with other species of bamboo, but now human settlements form a barrier against giant panda movements.

10 Threats Poaching of pandas still occurs. Even at low levels, this activity can have serious consequences for such an endangered species. In recent years, several panda pelts being sold for large sums have been confiscated, but there is little information about the dynamics and dimensions of this market. Poaching of pandas still occurs. Even at low levels, this activity can have serious consequences for such an endangered species. In recent years, several panda pelts being sold for large sums have been confiscated, but there is little information about the dynamics and dimensions of this market.

11 Conservation Status (Endangered) There are approximately 1,000 Pandas alive today in the wild, and about 150 in captivity. While Pandas are now limited to several Chinese mountain ranges that make up about 5000 sq. miles (13,000 sq. km), it is hopeful that some of these territories will be preserved for them. Not only are the protection of these areas crucial to the survival of Pandas, but they also are home to many other rare plant and animal species. There are approximately 1,000 Pandas alive today in the wild, and about 150 in captivity. While Pandas are now limited to several Chinese mountain ranges that make up about 5000 sq. miles (13,000 sq. km), it is hopeful that some of these territories will be preserved for them. Not only are the protection of these areas crucial to the survival of Pandas, but they also are home to many other rare plant and animal species.

12 Help Save these Pandas!

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