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Return to Home Page Return to Home Page GEOG 433, November 26, 2013, part 2.

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1 Return to Home Page Return to Home Page GEOG 433, November 26, 2013, part 2

2 Projected future changes in Northern Asia permafrost boundary Climate Change in the Russian North

3  Basic UNFCCC & Kyoto Protocol  What are the GHG trends and sources?  What is happening with regard to temperature trends?  What has been Russia’s history regarding Kyoto?  Who are Russia’s Kyoto stakeholder players?  Why was Russia’s ratification important to the Kyoto Protocol?  Why did Russia ratify the Kyoto Protocol?  How can the Kyoto Protocol affect Russia’s economy?  How does Russia affect the EU Emission Trading Scheme?  How will Russia’s “Hot Air” affect the price of GHG credits?  What is the rationale for Russian compliance with Kyoto?  What are the elements for Russian institutional compliance?  What are the Russian compliance problems?  Bigger questions: carbon trading & social justice, Clean Development Mechanism vs Clean Development Fund, international “Hot Air” trading, role of U.S. as Kyoto opponent, role of World Bank

4  UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change  Kyoto Protocol is amendment of UNFCCC  Signed December 11, 1997 at Kyoto, Japan  Opened for signature on March 16, 1998  Need 55 countries representing 55% of 1990 CO 2 emissions to ratify for entry-into-force  GHG reduction targets for 2008-2012  6 GHGs include CO 2, CH 4, N 2 0, CFC-12,CFC-10  2001 Bush says U.S. will not ratify  44.2% of 1990 global GHC emissions without US, Russia, Australia  Russia 17.4% of 1990 CO 2 emissions  US and Australia ~40% of GHG emissions  Talks stall in Hague post-2000 election  2001 Bonn COP revisions - allows CO 2 sink

5 Geographical Pattern of Kyoto Acceptance A Ruff Rescue

6 Global Fossil Carbon Emissions (1800-2000)

7 Trends in Atmospheric Concentrations and Anthropogenic Emissions of Carbon Dioxide Oil shock & recession USSR & E.European collapse

8 Source: IPCC, 1995

9 ------Annual Mean Temp., ------ 5-year Mean What is happening with temperature trends?

10 CO 2 Temperature trends CO 2 & Temperature trends


12 World Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Region, 2001- 2025 (Million Metric Tons of Carbon Equivalent)

13 Regional trends in Carbon emissions (MMT of C/year)

14 Russian government wants to sell part of Russia’s greenhouse gas emission quotas - AAUs (Assigned Amount Units) / Image from

15 CO2 emissions from Russia.

16 Per capita CO2 emission estimates for Russia.

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