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Based on an interview with my parents…. PURPOSE: This title will tell everyone that we should not isolate those leprosy victims just because thy are different.

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Presentation on theme: "Based on an interview with my parents…. PURPOSE: This title will tell everyone that we should not isolate those leprosy victims just because thy are different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Based on an interview with my parents…

2 PURPOSE: This title will tell everyone that we should not isolate those leprosy victims just because thy are different from us. Instead, we should help them and care for them by donating money or visiting the leprosy homes. We should not avoid those leprosy victims out there as they need care and love from us. I will be asking questions about leprosy to get more information about the topic. An example of a question that I will be asking is “Have you heard about leprosy?”

3 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: Have you heard about leprosy? Who did you heard it from? Could you tell me me what you know about leprosy? Do you think the source is reliable? Do you think the information you have is accurate? Was there anytime when you have close contact with leprosy victims? Would you befriend them? Would you have causal contact with them?

4 Where do you think leprosy victims live and work? Do you think they can stay with their family and lead a normal life, work and earn a living in society? Do you think they have been alienated? Is there a reason why you have this thinking? Why do you fear them? Do you have fears of being infected with leprosy? Do you fear others seeing you going out with them? Do you fear seeing the sights of their wounds?

5 How would you change your thinking if I were to tell you that we should care for the leprosy victims? Would you still think that you avoid them? Would you allow your child to befriend a leprosy victim? Is there a cure for leprosy and what is it? Would you volunteer to help out in a leprosy home and why? How can we show our care to the leprosy victims? Should we allow leprosy victims to live with us? Why?

6 3 DIFFICULTIES: Both of my parents did not know much about the leprosy. Hence, I got difficulty writing out the points about leprosy on the piece of paper I had. The interview did not go smoothly because there were lots of factual questions which my parents did not manage to answer. When this happened, I had just ran out of questions to ask them. Looking for information on the internet was difficult as there were some sources which were inaccurate or unreliable. There were also a lot of bias comments online that cannot be accepted.

7 2 THINGS LEARNT: I learnt that although we should care and show our love for the leprosy victims, we must also consider the risks and consequences of being infected with leprosy if we get too close to the leprosy victims. Hence, we must be careful when visiting a leprosy home although we may be there to help them. I also learnt that we should al least respect those people in the society who are slightly different from us in some ways because they are of the same kind. Isolating them would mean that we are hating our own kind of people. Thus, we must al least show respect to the unfortunate people even we do not want to befriend them.

8 1 THING IN THE FUTURE: I may consider embarking a journey on a community service learning project to help those unfortunate people in our society so that they will not be isolated or alienated. Going on this journey may involve a few dangers and risks that lots of people are afraid of, including me. An example will be to be infected with leprosy when volunteering in a leprosy home. That is why I have to think about this matter before I really do it.

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