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4 th Grade. Table of Contents Pages 3-7: Rules & Rationales Page 8: How I Intend To Teach The Rule Page 10: Classroom Layout Page 12-13: Classroom Layout.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th Grade. Table of Contents Pages 3-7: Rules & Rationales Page 8: How I Intend To Teach The Rule Page 10: Classroom Layout Page 12-13: Classroom Layout."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th Grade

2 Table of Contents Pages 3-7: Rules & Rationales Page 8: How I Intend To Teach The Rule Page 10: Classroom Layout Page 12-13: Classroom Layout Rationale Page 15-22: Rewards & Consequences Page 24: Routines and Procedures of Classroom


4 Rule #1 Rationale Respect others and their property. Please keep your hands and feet to yourself and leave your friend’s stuff alone.

5 Rule #2 Rationale Eating is only for the cafeteria, unless it’s snack time. We don’t want to have bugs in the classroom, now do we?

6 Rationale Raise your hand to talk. We don’t talk while others are talking so we raise our hands. Rule #3

7 Talk only when the teacher is not teaching and all your work is done. It is very rude to talk while a teacher is teaching and everyone needs to get their work done before you can mingle. Rule #4 Rationale

8 I plan to teach this rule by first introducing it when school starts and keep working on it with them until they understand the rules and can recite them to me and can show me a good example of the rule. How Do I Plan To Teach The Rule?

9 Classroom Layout Page 10


11 Rationale for Classroom Layout Page 12-13

12 Colored Seats: I made the chairs at each table a different color because I’m going to put the students into groups by color and I’ll change it up every quarter so that everyone will be able to sit at each colored table at least once. Bean Bag Chairs: There are bean bag chairs in the library area because I wouldn’t want to sit on the floor to read a book. So why make my students? I want to make things as fair in my classroom as I can. I plan on there being certain day where two different students get to sit in them each day. Supply Table: There is a supply table because it is a much easier way to distribute supplies that my students need other than them asking other people during my lesson is they can borrow a pencil or some paper.

13 Projector: The projector is on the ceiling because I don’t want it to be in the way of the walking space because I wouldn’t want my students tripping. Round Tables: I would like the student’s tables to be round because I would want them to be working in groups to try to figure the problems out. I think it’ll teach them teamwork and I feel that the best way to do that is to have them at round tables. Turn In Bin: I put the turn-in bin on my desk because I want to be able to glance over at my student’s work and see if they actually tried it.

14 Rewards & Consequences Pages 15-22

15 What Are Rewards? In my classroom, if you behave and follow all the rules, you get a reward. It may consist of a sticker or getting to be a line leader for that day. The next few pages are my rewards for students if they do something that they’re supposed to do.

16 1) You get a praise. 2) You receive a gold star. (A praise is when a teacher or student tells you “Good Job” and you get praised for doing something good) (It’s always very exciting to know that you’ve been so good, that you receive a gold star from your teacher.)

17 3) You get to be line leader for that day that you’ve done something good. (The line leader is the person who gets to lead the whole class to lunch, the media center, gym, etc.)

18 4) You get to pick something out of the “Treasure Box”. (The “Treasure Box” is a mysterious box where only students who obey the rules get to see the inside. It’s filled with all kinds of goodies.)

19 What Are Consequences? Consequences are basically punishments. You get them when you do something bad or something that you’re not supposed to be doing.

20 1) You get a warning. 2) I will stamp your planner. (I will basically tell them that they shouldn’t be doing what they’re doing and I will give them another chance to correct the problem themselves.) (There will be a stamp in their planner and a note. I will write what they were doing and sign their planner. They’re going to have to show their parents or they’ll get in even more trouble.)

21 3) I call and arrange for a parent/teacher conference. (They’ve disobeyed me three times already. I’ll call their parent/guardian and I will talk to them about what their child is doing and we discuss how we can fix it.)

22 4) You get sent to the principal’s office (I’ve tried everything I could to take care of and eliminate the problem, but it seems that they don’t want to listen, so I’ll let the principal handle it.)

23 Routines & Procedures of The Classroom Page 24

24 Attendance: I will stand at the door with my attendance sheet and as they walk in the door, I will mark the sheet. Then, when class starts, I will mark all the other students that aren’t here, absent.

25 Starting Class: At the start of class, I will greet my students and, on Monday’s, let them share something good about their weekend. Ending Class: At the end of class, I will do a “Quick Quiz” and quiz my students about what they learned that day. Then I will award them all with candy or a small treat and wish them all a great day.

26 The End! PowerPoint By: Belle McGuire

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