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Unified view on science and technology education: Technoscience and technoscience education Suvi Tala the Ninth International History, Philosophy & Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Unified view on science and technology education: Technoscience and technoscience education Suvi Tala the Ninth International History, Philosophy & Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unified view on science and technology education: Technoscience and technoscience education Suvi Tala the Ninth International History, Philosophy & Science Teaching Conference, Calgary 24.6.-28.6. 2007 Department of Physical Sciences - Faculty of Science The Finnish Graduate School in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Education

2 Suvi Tala, Department of Physical Sciences, Hki Univ.2 Motivation: NOS-views in practices of education Traditionally, science and technology are perceived quite different and separated enterprises.  On this basis lies science and technology education, both as distinct school subjects and integrated  The Nature Of Science (NOS) and the relationship of it to technology is seen as separated from scientific processes Closer look reveals traditional view to be one-sided.  There are deep bi-directional relations between physics and technology in the formation of conceptual structures of physics

3 Suvi Tala, Department of Physical Sciences, Hki Univ.3 Physics is constructed through technological action Note 1: Physical knowledge is constructed through technological action (= creation and manipulation for control). → Note 2: Technology not only limits, but also modifies and defines the physical knowledge and physical reality accessible to us. → Note 3: Technology has an epistemological and cognitive role in concept formation of physic, to the extent that it influences our ontological positions. Claim 1: Technology should be an organic part of physics education. Claim 2: We need an unifying view to technology and physics. (the following technoscientific view is constructed in dicussion with dozens of science and technology studies, e.g. Ackerman 1985, Bohr 1958, Boon 2003, Cartwright 1999, Chang 2004, Collins 1992, Duhem 1914, Gooding 1989, 1990& 2003, Hacking 1983, Hackman 1989, Harré 1998 & 2003, Heidegger 1968, Ihde 1979, Heidelberg 1989 & 2003, Kroes 2003, Lange 2003, Latour 1987, Mithcham 1994, Nickles 1989, Raddér 1988 & 2003, Rothbart 2003)

4 Suvi Tala, Department of Physical Sciences, Hki Univ.4 The reality that physics opens up to us is technological Technoscience = amalgation of science and technology, a product of cognitive goals, which are made not only possible but also heavily guided by intentional creative action merged to technological devices. Technological knowledge The stage of conceptual, structural knowledge Physical knowledge Technology as object and action The stage of functional description (practical logic) The empirical stage, materialization of designed experiment

5 Suvi Tala, Department of Physical Sciences, Hki Univ.5 Implications to NOS Technology essentiality defines what it means that physics is empirical science. Any NOS notions should properly take into account technology and technological action. For this a new unifying view is needed for education. This also embodies and improves NOS views

6 Suvi Tala, Department of Physical Sciences, Hki Univ.6 Technoscience as a view making NOS more authentic and practical Techoscience amalgates the elements of physics education to a meaningful and appropriate, intrinsically coherent and reasonable unity. Deepens the understanding about the intertwined character of experimental explorations and theorizing (generative view) Allows students to see and experience science and science learning as an active, creative process. Emphasizes the intertwined character of doing and knowing Supports coherent conceptualization and concept formation

7 Suvi Tala, Department of Physical Sciences, Hki Univ.7 Implications to educational practices Revision of the contents:  Highlight the simultaneous development of the theory underlining the experimental systems and instruments  Use technoscientific viewpoint reconstructed historical narratives  Revise the order of concepts introduced, to parallel better with physical progress as made available by technological capacities Revision of the teaching methods: implement the ideas of technoscience trough designing of educational experiments  Technoscientific design tasks (combined e.g. by interrupted storyline)

8 Suvi Tala, Department of Physical Sciences, Hki Univ.8 Contact information Suvi.Tala(at)Helsinki.Fi Suvi Tala/Physics Teacher Education Unit, Department of Physical Sciences P.O. Box 64 FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

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