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Photoshop Basics: Extended Instructor: Vicki Weidler Assistant: Joaquin Obieta.

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Presentation on theme: "Photoshop Basics: Extended Instructor: Vicki Weidler Assistant: Joaquin Obieta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photoshop Basics: Extended Instructor: Vicki Weidler Assistant: Joaquin Obieta

2 Overview Explore the Photoshop environment Work with images Work with selections Create images Work with bitmap and vector graphics Work with colors and color settings Manipulate layers Modify photographs

3 What is Photoshop? Photo retouching, image editing, and color painting program; graphic design tool Create high-quality digital images Tools & special effects capabilities Manipulate scanned images, slides, & original artwork Isolate parts of an image for experimentation & individual editing And lots more…..

4 Uses of Photoshop Art (line drawings, charcoal, color original) Photographic Restoration WWW (GIFS, JPEGS, etc.) Montage Halftones, Duotones, Tritones, Quadtones Color Separations Posterizations Special Effects

5 Vector Graphic

6 Toggling Between Photoshop & ImageReady Toggling Button

7 Slicing

8 Image Maps

9 Rollover Effects

10 Animations



13 Resolution Rules of Thumb Monitor (72-96 ppi) Print (300-600 dpi) Email (150 ppi)

14 Web File Formats JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group GIF – Graphics Interchange Format PNG – Portable Network Graphics WBMP – Wireless Bitmap

15 JPEG Best for photos or continuous tone, full-color images Uses 16 million colors Browsers use reasonable approximations Work in RGB mode Uses lossy compression Saving (Standard, Optimized, Progressive)

16 GIF Best for solid color images (buttons, logos) Uses 256 colors Browsers uses 216 colors Work in Indexed mode Good compression Interlaced

17 PNG (8-bit) Best for line art (logos) Compresses solid areas of color well and maintains sharp detail Generally, has better compression than GIF (10-30% smaller) If considering saving as GIF, also consider saving as PNG (8-bit) Not supported by older browsers

18 PNG (24-bit) Best for continuous-tone images Compresses well, but can be larger than JPEGs If considering saving as JPEG, could also consider PNG (24-bit) Not supported by older browsers

19 WBMP Optimizes images for mobile devices Supports 1-bit color Black & white images Not supported in Photoshop 6 or earlier

20 JPEG vs PNG Comparison of JPEG and PNG 68K PNG31K JPG

21 GIF vs PNG Comparison of JPEG and PNG 10.8K PNG-8 with 64 colors9.5K GIF with 64 colors

22 Print File Formats EPS – Encapsulated PostScript TIFF – Tagged-Image File Format Scitex CT – Scitex Continuous Tone

23 EPS Used for printing on imagesetters Supports Lab, CMYK, RGB, Indexed, Duotone, Grayscale, & Bitmap color modes Supports both bitmap & vector graphics Does not support alpha channels Examples: newspapers, laser printers

24 TIFF Preferred format for desktop publishing Examples: PageMaker, Quark Supports CMYK, RGB, Lab, Indexed, & Grayscale color modes (including alpha channels) Supports Bitmap color mode (without alpha channels) TIFF format will only show flattened image (1 layer) in other applications Can save annotations, transparency, & multiresolution data in TIFF format

25 Scitex CT Used for high-end processing on Scitex computers Supports CMYK, RGB, & Grayscale color modes Does not support alpha channels

26 Color Gamut Lab color mode RGB color mode CMYK color mode

27 Backlighting Problem

28 Keystoning Effect

29 Repairing Flaws and Scratches

30 Red Eye Correction

31 Summary Explore the Photoshop environment Work with images Work with selections Create images Work with bitmap and vector graphics Work with colors and color settings Manipulate layers Modify photographs

32 Resources Questions & Answers Evaluations Thank You!!! Conclusion

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