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10/3/05 1 US LHC ACCELERATOR RESEARCH PROGRAM brookhaven - fermilab – berkeley - slac US LARP Inner Triplet Cryogenics and Heat Transfer Roger Rabehl Fermilab.

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Presentation on theme: "10/3/05 1 US LHC ACCELERATOR RESEARCH PROGRAM brookhaven - fermilab – berkeley - slac US LARP Inner Triplet Cryogenics and Heat Transfer Roger Rabehl Fermilab."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/3/05 1 US LHC ACCELERATOR RESEARCH PROGRAM brookhaven - fermilab – berkeley - slac US LARP Inner Triplet Cryogenics and Heat Transfer Roger Rabehl Fermilab LARP/ LHC IR Upgrades Workshop – St. Charles, IL October 3-4, 2005

2 10/3/05 2 US LHC ACCELERATOR RESEARCH PROGRAM brookhaven - fermilab – berkeley - slac US LARP Roger Rabehl IR Cryogenics Studies – Status Temperature profile vs. heat load scaling of the existing LHC IR cryo model has been completed and documented.

3 10/3/05 3 US LHC ACCELERATOR RESEARCH PROGRAM brookhaven - fermilab – berkeley - slac US LARP Roger Rabehl IR Cryogenics Studies – Heat Load Scaling Cold compressors Magnet thermal center IR cryo system effects LHC cryo system effects

4 10/3/05 4 US LHC ACCELERATOR RESEARCH PROGRAM brookhaven - fermilab – berkeley - slac US LARP Roger Rabehl IR Cryogenics Studies – Status As heat loads increase, limitations in the existing IR design are identified: –Pressurized He II cooling holes, pipes –Magnet heat exchanger Other limitations are due to the LHC cryo system: –Distance from IR to cold compressors –Capacity of cold compressors

5 10/3/05 5 US LHC ACCELERATOR RESEARCH PROGRAM brookhaven - fermilab – berkeley - slac US LARP Roger Rabehl IR Cryogenics Studies – FY06 Q1 Plan Establish and document a target temperature profile for an upgraded IR. –Study possible LHC cryo system modifications to determine how much additional temperature margin can be gained for the IR at the design heat load (Port Jefferson: 1.6 kW for an upgraded quad-first IR). –The required coil temperature is a key piece of information. –Iteration with magnet designers and analysts may be necessary to arrive at a manageable design heat load for the cryo system. –Portion the IR temperature margin appropriately in preparation for parametric studies.

6 10/3/05 6 US LHC ACCELERATOR RESEARCH PROGRAM brookhaven - fermilab – berkeley - slac US LARP Roger Rabehl IR Cryogenics Studies – FY06 Q1 Plan Longitudinal heat deposition rates for the IR triplet will be required for the IR heat transfer parametric studies starting in FY06 Q2.

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