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Copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 1 Recent Advances in the Flexible Access Control Models Duminda Wijesekera

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 1 Recent Advances in the Flexible Access Control Models Duminda Wijesekera"— Presentation transcript:

1 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 1 Recent Advances in the Flexible Access Control Models Duminda Wijesekera

2 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 2 OutlineOutline Access Control A Flexible Access Control Model Materialization Editing Rules Revoking Permissions Provisions and Obligations Access Constraints Concluding comments

3 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 3 OutlineOutline Integrity Information Assurance Intrusion Detection Final Remarks Access Control

4 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 4 Access Control Models Making them flexible Making them general

5 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 5 Access Control in Commercial Systems Unix –xrw xrw xrw Database management systems –Griffiths and Wade, ACM TODS 1976 –GRANT ON TO [WITH GRANT OPTION] –REVOKE [ON ] FROM

6 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 6 Need for Multiple Access Control Policies Closed policy Open policy Closed policy with negative authorizations and denials-take-precedence Closed policy with negative authorizations and most-specific-authorizations-take- precedence Static and dynamic separation of duty Chinese wall

7 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 7 Usual Approach Separation between policies high level guidelines and mechanisms implementing the policies –Policy neutral mechanism –For each policy a security server is specified –Security server maps the policy into mechanisms Change of policy  Change of server

8 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 8 Policy Neutral Mechanism User Policy Neutral Mechanism o,a Closed Policy Server u,o,ayes/no Open Policy Server

9 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 9 Flexible Authorization Framework An authorization is of the form s,o, a An authorization specification AS consists of a set of: –authorization cando, –derivation dercando, –conflict resolution do, –history done, and I –ntegrity error predicate symbols

10 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 10 Closed Policy in ASL dercando (u,o,+a)  cando(s,o,+a) & in(u,s). do (u,o,+a)  dercando(u,o,+a). error(s,o,a)  cando(s,o,-a). do (u,o,-a)  not do(u,o,+a).

11 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 11 Denials-take-precedenceDenials-take-precedence do (u,o,+a)  dercando(u,o,+a)& not dercando(u,o,-a). do (u,o,-a)  not do(u,o,+a).

12 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 12 Static Separation of Duty error()  do(s,budget,submitting) & do(s,budget,evaluating) & do(s,budget,approving).

13 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 13 Dynamic Separation of Duty error()  done(u,o,R,submitting,t) & done(u,o,R’,approving,t’) & done(u,o,R,approving,t’’) & typeof(o,Order).

14 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 14 Chinese Wall error()  done(u,o’,R,a’,t) & done(u,o,R’,a,t’) & typeof(o,Company-A) & typeof(o,Company-B).

15 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 15 Functional Architecture Propagation Policy Conflict Resol. + Decision Policy Integrity Constraints History Table Authorization Table USERUSER o,s,+a DECISIONDECISION

16 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 16 ReferenceReference Jajodia, Samarati, Sapino, Subrahmanian, “A united framework for supporting multiple access control polices,” ACM TODS, June 2001.

17 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 17 SemanticsSemantics A FAF specification forms a locally stratified logic program It has a unique stable model Stable model = well founded model

18 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 18 MaterializationMaterialization Access requests must be decided fast. Hence materialize FAF predicates –Most useful = DO Materialization algorithm reconstructs the unique stable model Looking up materialized rules are faster that backtracking.

19 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 19 Updating FAF Specifications

20 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 20 Example: Electronic Library System An article A that is published under project P can be made available to all members of P Any user at the rank of manager or above can access A If the user is a sponsor who funded the project or the writing of A, then A can be released only after a proprietary notice is added No one else should have access to the article.

21 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 21 Example: Sealed-bid Auctions Three kinds of participants –Auctioneer, Supplier, Bidders The supplier fills in the item to be auctioned, closing time, and the minimum price Bidders may submit a bid by specifying the item and a bidding price if the current time is before the close of the auction Auctioneer can fill in “no good” in the status field if the maximum price of all the bids = minimum price

22 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 22 Mobile Policy Grant on to with provision [ ] where [ has attribute | ]

23 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 23 ExampleExample Grant update on BalanceSheet to user1 with provision Add notice “For accounting Group Only” where user1 has attribute (group, accounting group) and (rank, manager of accounting group)

24 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 24 Another Example DoNotGrant write on PayrollEmployeeCheck to user1 with provision Notify PayrollSupervisor where user1 has attribute (group, payroll)

25 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 25 Auction Example cando(supplier_info, X, +rw)  in(X,supplier). cando(auctioneer_info,X, +r)  in(X,supplier). cando(auctioneer_info,X, +r)  in(X,bidder). cando(bid, A1, +r)  owner(bid, A1) and uid(A1). cando(status, auctioneer, +w(“No Good”))  current_top(A1) and field(minimum_price, A2) and A1 = A3. cando(status, auctioneer, +w(“Completed”))  current_top(A1) and field(minimum_price, A2) and A1 >= A2 and time(T) and field(closing_time, A3) and T >= A3.

26 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 26 ReferencesReferences Vinti Doshi, Amgad Fayad, Sushil Jajodia, Roswitha MacLean, “Using attribute certificates with mobile policies in electronic commerce applications,” Proc. 16th Annual Computer Security Applications Conf., New Orleans, LA, December 2000, pages 298-307. Sushil Jajodia, Michiharu Kudo, V. S. Subrahmanian, ``Provisional authorizations,'' Proc. 1st Workshop on Security and Privacy in E-Commerce, Athens, Greece, November 2000.

27 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 27 Final Remarks Cryptography is the solution Firewalls are the solution Intrusion detection systems are the solution

28 copyright Sushil Jajodia 2001 28 Focus is back on host security Access control DBMS security Application security

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