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Japan. The Feudal Age Feudalism—exchange of land for service or protection Shogun— “The emperor’s general” Daimyo—great lords Samurai—warriors –Bushido—Strict.

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Presentation on theme: "Japan. The Feudal Age Feudalism—exchange of land for service or protection Shogun— “The emperor’s general” Daimyo—great lords Samurai—warriors –Bushido—Strict."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japan


3 The Feudal Age Feudalism—exchange of land for service or protection Shogun— “The emperor’s general” Daimyo—great lords Samurai—warriors –Bushido—Strict code of obedience Seppuku—honor suicide (ritual)


5 Isolation/Meiji Restoration 1200-1600 civil wars occurred Tokugawa expelled all foreigners, outlawed Christianity, reduced trade Meiji (enlightened rule) restored emperor reign Allied with Europe and America in education, science, gov’t and military

6 Accomplishments of Early Japanese 1. Borrowed from Chinese culture; beliefs, way of life, written characters 2. Shinto religion—nature and ancestor worship 3. Emphasis on good manners and a love of beauty.

7 Impact Today Cars, technology, education, culture (fashion, food), military Martial arts (form of self defense) “Don’t go looking for a fight, fight only to defend oneself”

8 Martial Arts Know pressure points Know how to “SING” S- stomach I- instep N- nose G- grind

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