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Comparing the three energy systems 1) ATP-PC within the body's muscle mass there are between 570-690 millimoles of ATP and PC. Which provide 15 – 20 kilojoules.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing the three energy systems 1) ATP-PC within the body's muscle mass there are between 570-690 millimoles of ATP and PC. Which provide 15 – 20 kilojoules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing the three energy systems 1) ATP-PC within the body's muscle mass there are between 570-690 millimoles of ATP and PC. Which provide 15 – 20 kilojoules of useful ATP energy

2 Lactic acid system Can potentially resynthesise 3 moles (3000 millimoles ) of ATP from 1 mole of glycogen. If all 180 grams of glycogen were broken down, 180 grams of lactic acid would be formed. Since the muscles and blood can tolerate only 60-70grams of lactic acid before fatigue sets in. This system produces about twice as much energy as the ATP-PC system

3 Aerobic system Following hundred of complex chemical reactions, yield a total of 38 moles of ATP from the breakdown of 1 mole of glycogen. A further 80 – 100 grams of glycogne is stored in the liver. Provided exercise intensity is submaximal approx 13 times the amount of energy can be released aerobically as is possible anaerobically.

4 Page 135 Table

5 Interplay Watch you tube clip on interplay. Draw up interplay of energy systems diagram, discuss what you see. Thinking thing through page 138 Q1-6 Page 143 review questions (finish for homework)

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