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Janakiram MSV Developer Evangelist Microsoft Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "Janakiram MSV Developer Evangelist Microsoft Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Janakiram MSV Developer Evangelist Microsoft Corporation

2 What is REST? RESTing with WCF Building & Consuming RESTful Services Summary

3 XML-RPC – Aligned with Object Orientation (OOP) – No metadata – Maps to an object’s method Web Services – Aligned with Component Models – Rich metadata – Invocation Query metadata Invoke operation

4 Enterprise (SOA) Web (AJAX) Programmable Web Light Weight REST RSS POX JSON WS-* Transactions Asynchrony Reliability Security

5 REpresentational State Transfer Architectural style / pattern Aligned with HTTP – Verbs Maps to URI – Resources Web-Style interaction between client and server – Stateless Doesn’t rely on – Toolkits – Proxy – Metadata

6 Verbs – GET – POST – PUT – DELETE Resources are accessed through URI – – –[1]/Sales –

7 CreateCustomer() RetrieveCustomer() UpdateCustomer() DeleteCustomer() POST GET PUT[CustomerID] DELETE[CustomerID]

8 Every HTTP request has a response HTTP – HTML Web Services – SOAP XML-RPC – XML REST – POX New! – JSON New! – RSS

9 POX – Plain Old XML – Doesn’t adhere to a schema – Can be easily parsed JSON – JavaScript Object Notation – Improved CSV format – Simple Name/Value pair RSS – R eally S imple S yndication – Well-Known schema – Extensible

10 “Don”, “1978”, “Hindi”, “Amitabh, Zeenat Aman” { "MovieName":"DON", "Year":2006, "Language":"Hindi", "Cast":"Shahrukh, Priyanka" } CSVJSON


12 JSON / AJAX Support – WebHttpBinding – JSON Message Encoding Syndication Support – RSS 2.0 – ATOM 2.0 HTTP Programming Support – REST – POX


14 REST brings the simplicity of HTTP to programmable web Light weight approach to expose and consume services Wire Format protocols can be POX,JSON and RSS WCF in Orcas supports REST, POX, JSON and RSS


16 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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