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Social Media Playground Dan Ryan Mills College Spring 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Playground Dan Ryan Mills College Spring 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Playground Dan Ryan Mills College Spring 2012

2 Today Announcements (talk, summer, lab) Glitches? Servers and Clients and Feeds One to many, many to one Synchronous/Asynchronous Push/Pull Email Wikipedia Blogs Twitter Facebook YouTube Explore & Questions & Experience

3 Servers and Clients Server = program/machine that accepts and fulfills requests over a network Client = program (usually with UI) that translates user request into server request & displays received data “conversation” follows a protocol (rules for how you ask for things and how you interpret what you get)

4 Examples Safari, Firefox, Chrome are web clients Apache is web server software Mills has a web server machine that runs this software (or some other) HTTP is the protocol they use to converse

5 Feeds -- RSS RSS=really simple syndication “syndicate” ~ distribute “feed” = server that can be “followed” User gives URI of feed to “reader” or “aggregator” Reader checks regularly for updates


7 Email as Network To: From: CC:, amybob don cam

8 Draw the Email Network #FromToCCSubject 1BobAmyCam,DonA 2EveAmyBob,Cam,Don,Fin,GilB 3FinAmyDonA 4BobCamAmy,DonA 5CamAmyB 6DonAmyEve,Fin,GilB 7GilAmyBobC amy bob don cam fin eve gil

9 Draw 2 mode network subject/recipient #FromToCCSubject 1BobAmyCam,DonA 2EveAmyBob,Cam,Don,Fin,GilB 3FinAmyDonA 4BobCamAmy,DonA 5CamAmyB 6DonAmyEve,Fin,GilB 7GilAmyBobC amybobdoncamfinevegil A B C

10 Fill in Matrix for “emails in common” amybobdoncamfinevegil A B C AmyBobCamDonEveFinGil Amy Bob Cam Don Eve Fin Gil AmyBobCamDonEveFinGil Amy222111 Bob11111 Cam2111 Don111 Eve11 Fin1 Gil

11 Before and After

12 Twitter Tweet Username User Avatar “Real” name ReTweet Modified Tweet Mention Hashtag Time/Date ReTweet

13 Twitter Networks Who follows whom Who mentions whom Who retweets whom Who gets mentioned together What hashtags mentioned by whom

14 Twitter djjr ……

15 Followed/Followers not necessarily distinct djjr A A

16 Links among my followed/follwers djjr

17 What does network look like if we all follow one another?

18 Blog Networks A follows B A commented on B

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