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Standards-Based Tests A measure of student achievement in which a student’s score is compared to a standard of performance.

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1 Standards-Based Tests A measure of student achievement in which a student’s score is compared to a standard of performance.

2 Standards-based tests are designed to determine whether students have attained targeted knowledge, understanding, and skills that have been identified as important. These tests are criterion-referenced tests. Standards-based tests are now the most common type of standardized assessments used in schools.

3 Standards of Comparison Norm-referenced standardized tests The student’s score is compared to the standard of the norm group scores. (compares to others taking tests) Criterion-referenced standardized test The student’s score is compared to the standard of a cutoff score set by the test authors. (compares to standards, e.g., PSSA)

4 Forms of Standardized Tests  Multiple choice  Writing samples  Oral question and answer  Task performance

5 Test Validity Does the test measure what it claims to measure?  Content validity. Do the test items adequately reflect the skills, behaviors or content to be measured?  Concurrent validity. Is performance on one test correlated to performance on a similar well- established test that measures the same thing?  Predictive validity. Does this test predict future performance?

6 Test Reliability Does the test exhibit consistency? Will students likely receive similar scores with successive administrations and scorings. Will different scorers yield similar results?

7 What Contributes to A Student’s Score?  Knowledge and/or skill level  Content knowledge  Reading ability  Student test-taking skills  Student understanding of directions More on next slide!

8 What Contributes to a Student’s Score?  Student motivation  Student physical well-being  Student mental well-being  Curricular coverage in the school  Teacher effectiveness  Parental aspiration/pressure

9 Checklist for Preparing Students  Teach assessment-taking skills.  Communicate format, length, type.  Teach to test (Do not teach the test.)  Share the assessment blueprint.  Review before the assessment.  Announce date and time of assessment.  Prepare students for success.

10 A Few Strategies Students Should Know

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