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Bryan, G8DKK. What’s in a Name? You might expect “antenna analysers” to measure antenna pattern as well as VSWR In general - they don’t! They measure.

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Presentation on theme: "Bryan, G8DKK. What’s in a Name? You might expect “antenna analysers” to measure antenna pattern as well as VSWR In general - they don’t! They measure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bryan, G8DKK

2 What’s in a Name? You might expect “antenna analysers” to measure antenna pattern as well as VSWR In general - they don’t! They measure VSWR in all its guises of real and sometimes imaginary parts: VSWR, Reflection coefficient (magnitude & phase), Return Loss (dB), Impedance Z = R ± jX

3 Antenna Measuring Before buying an antenna analyser consider what you do with antennas: Buy an antenna, erect it and assume it’s right Buy an antenna, erect it then check/adjust it Construct an antenna and assume it’s right Build or buy and fiddle with it to optimise it for frequency or bands or bandwidth Construct an antenna then measure and calculate matching components (per band)

4 Antenna Analysers Parameters that might influence choice: Standalone or work with PC Frequency Range, Stability, Resolution, Accuracy, Sweep Display Display size & resolution, Pixel resolution, Available measurement parameters VSWR, Return loss, Z, R, X, sign of X, phase, TDR Size, Weight, Cost

5 Types of Antenna Analyser There are many ways to group these analysers By type or method of display By measurement capability Frequency Range

6 Types of Antenna Analyser 2 Measurement Capability 1. VSWR only – SWR Indicators 2. VSWR, Z, R & X – but not sign of X 3. VSWR, Z, R & X with sign, Phase, Smith Chart (and often TDR) these are known as one-port Vector Network Analysers (VNA) 4. 2-Port VNA - As one port plus loss measurement

7 Types of Antenna Analyser 3 Type of Display Analogue Meter Text only LCD (LED) Graphical LCD (LCD size) – Rectangular (X-Y) and polar (Smith Chart) displays PC screen Frequency Range & Stability L-C Oscillator, manual tuning Synthesised Frequency range affects price

8 Antenna Analysers VSWR Indicators

9 MFJ-207

10 YouKits FG-01

11 MFJ-259C

12 Analysers & Calibration Analysers with pre-calibration Most of the following analysers are provided with an in-built, full frequency range calibration Why Calibrate? Improve accuracy – drift with time & temperature, cal over narrow sweep width Calibrate at the end of a cable Calibration parts required Short, Open, Load 50Ω in same connector as analyser or cable

13 Palstar ZM30

14 MFJ-226 (Times Technology)

15 Times Tech (HK) T100+ VHF/UHF

16 RigExpert AA-54

17 RigExpert AA-230 zoom UU9JDR

18 RigExpert AA-600

19 MyDel Sark 110

20 Analysers with 2 Ports These analysers usually operate via a PC Measure all parameters like a 1-port plus insertion loss. Cal at end of cable as standard They have an additional receiver port that can be included in the calibration process There is no internally stored calibration so calibration is essential as is a set of calibration parts (Short, Open, Load). Calibrations usually stored in the PC as files Not recommended as a first analyser

21 VNWA 3 (SDR-Kits) DG8SAQ

22 mRS MiniVNA Tiny

23 Price Comparison ModelConnectorMax FrequencyPrice MFJ-207SO23930MHz£99 REU AA-30SO23930MHz£190 YouKits FG01SO23972MHz£240 MFJ-259CSO239230MHz£250 REU AA-54SO23954MHz£280 MFJ-226N230MHz£330 SARK 110MCX + SMA200MHz£330 ZM30BNC30MHz£367 miniVNA TinySMA3000MHz£380 VNWA3SMA1300MHz£407 REU AA-230 ZN230MHz£427 REU AA-600N600MHz£470 REU AA-1400N1400MHz£900

24 Summary If you decide to buy an Antenna Analyser: Decide what it will do for you Is it worth £300+ for once a year use? Are you able to borrow a unit? Match the frequency range to your requirements Choose a unit that will best match with your intended use

25 Websites Here are some useful websites: (recommended reading) (KMK)

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