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The Challenge of Dementia

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1 The Challenge of Dementia
Jackie O’Toole RPN, MSc (dementia)

2 Overview The objective of my presentation is to reflect on the complexities of dementia through these considerations: Information around dementia Best practice in dementia care What is needed to provide a person- centred approach in this area

3 Information Over past five years have we become more informed about dementia We have listened to the individual on a dementia journey and learned about his/her lived experience We have gained a greater understanding about the workings of the brain We realise that the ‘personhood’ (or essence) of the person remains We know that individuals on a dementia journey retain human capabilities; the ability to feel emotions, to make choices and to live a wonderful quality of life

4 The Human Brain We know that the brain has two hemispheres
Each hemisphere contains 5 lobes Each with differing functions Currently there are different forms of dementia with Alzheimer’s Disease being the most common form. The clinical presentation of the differing dementia is caused by the damage to the particular area of the brain.

5 What is Alzheimer’sdisease

6 Dementia in Ireland

7 As people live longer, more can expect to develop dementia


9 Irish National Dementia Strategy
Better Awareness and Understanding Timely diagnosis and intervention Education and training for GPs Guidance around medication management Education around modifiable lifestyle risk factors Integrated services, supports and care for PWD Training and Education Leadership

10 Independent and Assisted Living
Retaining independence for as long as possible Suitable housing for assisted living Adaptations within current residential setting: signage, re-arrangement of furniture, removal of hazards Appropriate use of assistive technology

11 Assistive Technology –
Prompting Date and Time Item Locator Medication reminder Voice Reminder Signs and Notices Activity Assessment and activity guides Leisure Computer aids TV, Radio Books, Photographs Reminiscence items Games

12 Assistive Technology –
Communication Intercoms Telephones Other communication aids Safety Personal alarms Pressure mats and cushions Monitors that measure gas, smoke, lighting, temperature, flood Fall and wandering detectors

13 Living in Own Community

14 Dementia Friendly Ireland

15 Best Practice in Dementia

16 What do we need to do?

17 Kitwood-Psychological Needs Ref: Dementia Reconsidered 1997

18 Best practice Early diagnosis Medication Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Maintaining life pattern Continuance of past hobbies and interests for as long as possible Supportive and empowering relationships Communication –no contradicting, correcting or lengthy questions Understanding around behaviour as form of communication

19 What is needed? Recognition of the value of human life
Recognition of retained abilities rather than emphasis on deficits Gathering of Individual’s life-story material Acceptance of clinical presentation from those living around us Vital for individual to feel respected Opportunities to live a wonderful quality of life

20 What is needed? Supportive care from home-care providers
Respite care – day centres, short residential stays Care for the carers Sharing of the care Contact GP, PHN if you are concerned about failing memory Contact with the voluntary agencies;

21 What is needed? Appropriate residential care when time is right
Residential care that caters for spiritual needs Suitable activities and stimulation Continuity of connection with religious community

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