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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING October 9, 2014. Consent Agenda August 7, 2014 Minutes Performance Dashboard President’s Report.

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Presentation on theme: "BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING October 9, 2014. Consent Agenda August 7, 2014 Minutes Performance Dashboard President’s Report."— Presentation transcript:


2 Consent Agenda August 7, 2014 Minutes Performance Dashboard President’s Report

3 Committee Reports & Updates Executive Finance Governance Fundraising Outreach & Engagement

4 Home Buyer Survey Tool

5 Survey Overview Survey Monkey platform. Differentiates various entities involved, services, overall satisfaction. Also quality & value of home. It has limitations: Subjective Not comprehensive, stand-alone. Cannot determine validity, accuracy, relevancy. It is primarily for NNDC’s use & benefit Secondarily, for others directly involved w/ home buyer

6 Implementation Use for outright sales and lease-purchase sales Not retroactive; only new home buyers going forward. Sent day after closing, w/ reminder 10 days later. $50 gift card if completed w/in 30 days of closing. Staff follow-up w/ in 7 days of response. If all good, thank them If dissatisfaction, get clarifications, more facts, etc. and identify what we can address & how. If dissatisfaction with others, indicate we will be sharing with relevant parties.

7 Review, Dissemination Full individual responses only shared internally. Staff will provide report to Exec Committee, available to all however. Anonymous, aggregated responses of multiple buyers may be shared publicly by NNDC, but….. Respondents must approve sharing individual responses externally Others involved directly in buying process General public

8 2015 HOME & CDBG

9 HOME & CDBG HOME is only housing, CDBG is much broader. Federal dollars, accessed through City of Indpls Annual application cycle for funding. NNDC Application for 2015 Grants  $484,000 CDBG, $246,000 HOME  Home repair, (re) development for home ownership & rental, loan program for housing rehabilitation

10 Home Repair Program Requested $300,000 CDBG Leverage >$300,000 in add’l repairs (excl Rebuilding Together) Essentially continuation of 2014’s program; partners, structure, processes, etc. Habitat will be new partner, may be selected as Rebuilding Together target n’hood. CDBG would go into 24 projects  5 in SoCro = $100,000  5 nr. 38 th & Illinois = $100,000  14 in balance of core geography = $100,000

11 Home Ownership Requested $246,000 HOME Supports $833,000 in development 5 new homes built by Habitat on formerly City- owned or County Surplus lots 1 existing home acquired & rehabilitated by NNDC May be outright sale or lease-purchase sale Concentrated around 33 rd & Capitol

12 Rental Housing Rehabilitation of duplex/double @ 3305 N. Capitol County Surplus Property Requested $100,000 CDBG $165,000 project CDBG – flexibility in scope of work, tenant income mix Limited ability to support debt Provides NNDC with dev’l fee, mgmt fee, some cash flow. Could be lease-purchase, but will take time to “season” the income stream

13 Loan Program Requested $84,600 CDBG ~ support 3 projects NNDC piloting similar program now in 2014 5-year “incentive” loans to private-sector builder/ developers for rehab vacant, blighted properties. Sold (FMV) or rented to lower-income households (rent capped). No interest, no monthly payments Portion of loan forgiven at end of term; forgiveness based on financial “gap” identified in proforma analysis Structure/approach = important advantages Scope of work, eligibility of buyers/tenants, affordability period, speed & capacity, control & oversight, program income, leveraging, NNDC risk, and more.

14 Misc Comments Continuity Focus in SoCro Focus on long-term vacant, abandoned, blighted homes Clustering projects, scale, incremental movement of activity area Consistency All work directly ties to NNDC strategic plan, Mid-North QoL Change Fewer NNDC projects; carry-over of ‘14 projects Shift from NNDC new construction to rehabilitation; $ and opportunity Rental properties to generate income stream Need to think strategically: Continued work in SoCro, what scale & form(s), transition to or balance with increased work elsewhere, long-term direction & capacity of organization, and so on.

15 Directors as Ambassadors of the Organization Board Development

16 Boards as Ambassadors Board Source: Ten Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards #10 “Enhance the organization’s standing. Clearly articulate the organization’s mission, accomplishments, and goals to the public and garner support from the community.” Have suggested opportunities & ways in which NNDC Directors could be ambassadors; have made specific “asks. Also need to give Directors the tool(s)….. messaging!

17 “Talking Points What are five (5) things that make the NNDC organization unique? What are five (5) key “talking points” for the organization; key ideas to communicate when talking to stakeholders? How would your talking points vary with different stakeholders?

18 Elevator Speech Create a 2 or 3 sentence “introduction to NNDC” to use with professional or personal acquaintances that you think should be aware of, or engaged with, NNDC. Could be the lead-in to a request to sign them up for the e-newsletter, an invitation to an “engagement opportunity”, or some other “ask”. Create an “elevator speech” you might use with community stakeholders. 30-60 seconds / 3-5 sentences. Could be resident, corporate, institutional, or funder stakeholder. Try to incorporate the mission, and a personal connection to the mission or the work of organization.

19 Update: Great Places 2020

20 38 th & Illinois selected for designation Confidential until late November Midtown as lead agency, NNDC & others as supporting partners - no specific roles & responsibilities yet A “designation”, not “grant” or “project” Right now it provides credibility, attention Funds to support staffing for GP lead, and QoL convening Development plan to be created Jan-June 2015 Significant project opportunities for NNDC Also strategic opportunities & challenges partnerships, further redefine & refocus organization, also balance with needs & priorities elsewhere, org capacity, etc.

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