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Over-Training SHMD 249 30/5/2013 1. Physiology of Training Physiologic improvement in sports only occurs during the rest period following hard training.

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1 Over-Training SHMD 249 30/5/2013 1

2 Physiology of Training Physiologic improvement in sports only occurs during the rest period following hard training. The body responds to the exercise stimulus by improving efficiency of the heart, increasing capillaries in the muscles, and increasing glycogen stores and mitochondrial enzyme systems within the muscle cells. During recovery periods these systems build to greater levels to compensate for the stress applied. The result is a higher level of performance. 2

3 Over-training Overtraining: a condition in which there is a plateau or drop in performance over a period of time. Occurs when the body does not have enough time to recover adequately from training before the next training session. Improvements in strength and fitness occur only after the rest period following hard training, which could take days, depending on the intensity and duration of exercise. 3

4 Mechanism of over-training Microtrauma to the muscles are created faster than the body can heal them. Amino acids are used up faster than they are supplied in the diet. The body becomes calorie-deficient and the rate of break down of muscle tissue increases. The body spends more time in a catabolic state than an anabolic state. 4

5 Risk Factors Risk factors: – Not resting between sessions – Working out too aggressively – Too many training sessions in one week 5

6 Warning Signs Warning signs: – Extreme muscular soreness & stiffness the day after a training session. – Gradual increase in muscular soreness from one training session to the next. – Decrease in body weight. – Inability to complete a training session that you would normally complete. – Decrease in appetite. 6

7 Symptoms Overtraining may be accompanied by one or more symptoms: Persistent muscle soreness. Persistent fatigue. Elevated resting heart rate. Reduced heart rate variability. Increased susceptibility to infections. Increased incidence of injuries. Irritability. Depression. Mental breakdown. 7

8 Prevention Prevention: if you develop one or more of the above symptoms you should reduce intensity, frequency & duration until signs disappear. It is better to prevent overtraining than try recover from it. Prevention: – Increase training intensity gradually. – Alternate aggressive & less aggressive training weeks (allow sufficient recovery) – Get adequate amount of sleep. – Eat properly (balanced diet). – Adjust intensity as necessary. 8

9 Treatment REST The longer the overtraining has occurred, the more rest required. Therefore, early detection is very important. Mild over training may require several days of rest or reduced activity to fully restore an athlete's fitness. In more severe cases it may take months to recover. 9

10 Treatment Resume workouts on alternative days. Intensity of the training can be maintained but the total volume must be lowered. It is important to identify & correct factors leading to overtraining; otherwise overtraining syndrome is likely to recur. Gradual increase in volume. 10

11 Revision Questions 1.How does the body normally respond to a training stimulus?6 2.What is over-training and why does it occur?4 3.What are some of the physiological changes that occur in the body that could cause the ‘over-training syndrome’?4 4.What are the risk factors that could lead to an over-trained state?3 5.What are some of the warning signs of over-training?5 6.What are some of the symptoms of over-training?5 7.Discuss how over-training can be prevented.5 8.Discuss how you would go about treating an athlete who is an over-trained state. Distinguish between a mild and severe over-trained state.8 11

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