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Bridging the Chasm… To profitable mass-market consumer and business broadband services by offering a mix of media-rich content and applications across.

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Presentation on theme: "Bridging the Chasm… To profitable mass-market consumer and business broadband services by offering a mix of media-rich content and applications across."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bridging the Chasm… To profitable mass-market consumer and business broadband services by offering a mix of media-rich content and applications across heterogeneous networks. By focusing on both the business and technology aspects leading to successful broadband deployments and by addressing challenging questions service providers may be facing. By presenting interoperable and deployable solutions focusing on consumer and business applications and financial models, as well as the enabling technologies behind advanced broadband services. To profitable mass-market consumer and business broadband services by offering a mix of media-rich content and applications across heterogeneous networks. By focusing on both the business and technology aspects leading to successful broadband deployments and by addressing challenging questions service providers may be facing. By presenting interoperable and deployable solutions focusing on consumer and business applications and financial models, as well as the enabling technologies behind advanced broadband services.

3 Trends Almost 20M households have broadband connectivity How to target the next 20M – the mainstream? Acquisition costs and uses of connectivity are different… marketing need to be more targeted No single ‘killer application’ Display devices blur for younger people – PC vs. STB considerations don’t need to drive decision-making Almost 20M households have broadband connectivity How to target the next 20M – the mainstream? Acquisition costs and uses of connectivity are different… marketing need to be more targeted No single ‘killer application’ Display devices blur for younger people – PC vs. STB considerations don’t need to drive decision-making

4 The Service Provider Quandary Most broadband access provides simple connectivity. –But the next wave of broadband customers are looking for media services and family room broadband. Carriers not (yet) an integral part of the broadband application and content value chain. Needs to change if carriers are to profit from mass market service, due to costs of delivering required bandwidth –Cost declines alone won’t cut it Most broadband access provides simple connectivity. –But the next wave of broadband customers are looking for media services and family room broadband. Carriers not (yet) an integral part of the broadband application and content value chain. Needs to change if carriers are to profit from mass market service, due to costs of delivering required bandwidth –Cost declines alone won’t cut it

5 The Good News Enabling technologies, applications, and the ROI models to back up deployments are all proven Carriers having success with content/application partnerships –SBC/Yahoo –Verizon/MSN Consumers are willing to pay for quality content (and the providers are willing to supply it) –RealOne –MovieLink, CinemaNow –Apple iTunes Store Enabling technologies, applications, and the ROI models to back up deployments are all proven Carriers having success with content/application partnerships –SBC/Yahoo –Verizon/MSN Consumers are willing to pay for quality content (and the providers are willing to supply it) –RealOne –MovieLink, CinemaNow –Apple iTunes Store

6 The Bad News DRM issues still unresolved –Worldwide sales of music CDs, records and cassettes fell for the third year in a row, hit largely by rising Internet piracy in the United States (IFPI, April, 2003) –DVD copying becomes mainstream –Need an informed legislature (and public) DRM issues still unresolved –Worldwide sales of music CDs, records and cassettes fell for the third year in a row, hit largely by rising Internet piracy in the United States (IFPI, April, 2003) –DVD copying becomes mainstream –Need an informed legislature (and public)

7 What are the Applications? Voice Training Conferencing Security Games Music Video Storage

8 What are the tools? Enabling Technologies Access Anywhere MulticastingInfrastructure and QoS Content Aggregators and Brokers

9 What are the tools? Edge Content and Application Hosting Digital Rights Mgt. Subscriber Policy Mgt. Back-Office Systems Billing; Minimize OPEX Enabling Technologies

10 Putting the Puzzle Together Bandwidth, QoS Multicast DSL, WiFi, etc. PC, STB, etc. Policy Back Office Edge Hosting Content / Application Sources and Aggregators DRM Voice, Video, Games, Music, Security, Training, Storage, Conferencing

11 BCD Forum End-to-End Services Demonstration at SuperComm 2002

12 Service Viability Demonstration BCD Forum, SuperComm 2003 Financial Modeling Presentation Theater - Check schedule for companies and topics Meeting Area Demos Ideas Finances Technologies The Business Of Broadband The Connected Office: Interactive Business Video The Connected Office: Business VoIP The Home: Broadband Video Services Bridging the Chasm: Start Here The Enablers of Broadband: Deployable technologies System Hardware Content Aggregation BCD Forum Information and Company Literature Network Integration and Design The Home: Quality VoIP The Home: Games and Tunes Enforce Subscriber / Application Policy; Bring Content to the Edge The Remote Office BCDF b Wireless access available throughout the exhibit Check with a BCDF representative for availability Optimize Bandwidth Recognize Revenue and Limit Access to Content Dynamically Implement QoS; Reduce Service Activation Costs BCD Forum Hall C1 Booth 10327 Presentation Schedule

13 The BCD Forum: Why? Most fora focus on physical layer technologies (i.e., ATM Forum; DSL Forum) or protocol development (IETF). The industry requires an organization that focuses on the business and application layer issues for end-to-end services, and spans all access technologies Most fora focus on physical layer technologies (i.e., ATM Forum; DSL Forum) or protocol development (IETF). The industry requires an organization that focuses on the business and application layer issues for end-to-end services, and spans all access technologies

14 The BCD Forum The BCD Forum is an independent non-profit trade association that addresses the business of broadband. Members, which include some of the most important players in the broadband industry, work collaboratively to identify the issues, options and opportunities associated with monetizing broadband networks. Members demonstrate that multi-vendor solutions can profitably deliver content-rich consumer and business services across both wireline and wireless networks. Membership consists of service providers, content providers, and hardware and software providers. For more information, visit The BCD Forum is an independent non-profit trade association that addresses the business of broadband. Members, which include some of the most important players in the broadband industry, work collaboratively to identify the issues, options and opportunities associated with monetizing broadband networks. Members demonstrate that multi-vendor solutions can profitably deliver content-rich consumer and business services across both wireline and wireless networks. Membership consists of service providers, content providers, and hardware and software providers. For more information, visit


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