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Steroids By: John Nero. What do you think of when you hear the drug STEROIDS? 

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Presentation on theme: "Steroids By: John Nero. What do you think of when you hear the drug STEROIDS? "— Presentation transcript:

1 Steroids By: John Nero

2 What do you think of when you hear the drug STEROIDS? 

3 Other Known Names  Anabolic-androgenic Steroids (Scientific Name)  “Roids” (Street Name)  “Juice” (Street Name)  “Gym Candy” (Street Name)

4 What are Steroids?  A group of synthetic hormones that increase protein production within cells (Skeletal muscles).  Used to stimulate muscle and bone growth.  Schedule 3 rating  Usually used for therapeutic and athletic purposes.

5 History of Steroids  Developed late 1930’s  First primarily used to treat hypogonadism (Testes)  Medically used to treat delayed puberty, some types of impotence, and wasting away of the body from HIV or other diseases  Discovery of skeletal muscle growth, in a laboratory with animals  Then led to the abuse of steroids from bodybuilders/weightlifters, and finally athletes everywhere  Anabolic Steroid Act of 1990

6 Legal? No  All anabolic steroids are illegal, except if prescribe by a physician, for medical reasoning  However, illegal steroids are smuggled into the U.S. or laboratory made People obtain Steroids by:  Through his or her gym  Physicians  Personal trainers  Friends or families  Drug Dealers

7 Who Takes Steroids?  Athletes  Body Builders/ Weightlifters  Patients with deficiencies

8 Why Take Steroids?  Enhance athletic performance  Build muscle  Look good for others  Peer pressure  To Experience  Medical Reasoning

9 Usage  Oral (Pills)  Injections (Needles) - Commonly injected into the buttocks or a specific muscle  Cream or Gel applied to the skin

10 Physiological Effects  High Blood Cholesterol Levels  High BP  Liver Disorders  Thinning of hair and baldness  Severe Acne  Fetal Development (Pregnancy)  Risk of catching diseases from sharing needles  Sexual disorders  Brain Cancer


12 Psychological Effects  Mood Swings  Impaired Judgment  Depression  Nervousness  Delusions  Hostility and Aggression  Extreme Irritability

13 Addiction  Are addictive, especially if abused  When Stopped an Individual may Feel: - Withdrawal - Insomnia - Loss of Appetite

14 Prevention  Discuss and learn the potential effects  Teach and learn how to refuse offers  Explain how to enhance athletic performance legally  Explain how to build muscle through proper diet and training

15 Fun Facts  Abusers of steroids take 10 to 100 times more than prescribed  Teenage girls use steroids as a way to improve or change their body shape.  NHL has the highest # of players that use steroids

16 Bottom Line  Steroids cause severe philological and psychological effects  Should only be used for medical reason, but physicians will use steroids as a last resort or not at all  Consequences such as, disqualification or a fine/arrest *If you take steroids you might end up like this:

17 Bibliography     

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