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Presentation on theme: "PROGRESS REPORT ON THE OECD FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS DATABASES WPFS 13-14 October 2008 by Michèle Chavoix-Mannato, OECD/STD."— Presentation transcript:


2 Main objectives T o thank all Delegates and contacts in OCD countries T o inform Delegates about the current situation T o present some results of the Quality Survey T o discuss and decide possible changes

3 Current Situation Collection and Dissemination of Annual Financial Accounts & Financial Balance Sheets General Remarks Data available for both accounts for all OECD countries, except Iceland and New Zealand Data available for both sets (CO or NCO), except AUS, CAN, JPN, KOR, CHE, TUR, USA Data available up to 2007, except JPN, LUX, POL and CHE (2005)

4 Current Situation Collection and Dissemination of Annual Financial Accounts & Financial Balance Sheets Improvements and shortcomings Austria: historical data as from 1980 for S14-S15 Czech Republic and Canada: CO data for S13 and components ; Czech Republic: CO data for S12 and S2 Switzerland: NCO flows for S13 and components, and S14-S15 Luxembourg: S13 and sub-sectors only Turkey: S121 and S122 only IRL,KOR,MEX,CHE,TUR: short time coverage (5 Y<data< 10 Y) JPN: no data for 2007; CHE: no data for 2006

5 OECD Quality Reviews Background Quality reviews are a continuous process regarding OECD databases and publications launched in 2001 They provide a systematic mechanism to assess their quality They are based on eight dimensions The ‘quality’ of the OECD FA and FBS, created in 2003, has to be reviewed in 2008 A core part of the Quality Review is a survey of users Such a survey has been directly sent to 450 persons (WPFS Delegates, other official contacts, customers and subscribers, external and internal users)

6 First global results Only 21 persons have replied yet (all from official institutions, most WPFS Delegates), of which o 3 sent back a totally empty survey o 3 completed less than half questions Many respondents do not know how to navigate into OECD.Stat ------- Most respondents are satisfied with the FA and FBS products They use them with a frequency between once a month to once a year

7 Results according to the main criteria  Relevance General satisfaction with data in national currencies Most users would like to find derived series in addition to primary data A large majority would appreciate to find the other accumulation sub-accounts Half users are interested in FA and FBS of non-member countries Very few are interested in long series  Accuracy The systematic coverage of financial assets/liabilities is very useful The combination of both NCO and CO data are very helpful: but, NCO data very important for nearly all users; CO data necessary for three-quarters of them  Accessibility Easy access to OECD.Stat by a large majority of respondents, but frequent ignorance of the official way  Interpretability Less than half of respondents use the related methodological notes  Coherence Users recommend to follow the SNA definitions and accounting rules

8 Possible improvements Databases and Publications For most users it would be useful to find: relevant indicators and graphs rather than primary data which would show current situations and trends enable comparisons across countries accumulation sub-accounts data (Revaluation and Other changes in volume) in order to contribute to a better understanding of the difference between flows and changes in stocks enable analyses of the impact of revaluation on balance sheet accounts

9 Decisions to be taken D elegates should agree on a list of relevant and internationally comparable indicators and possible graphs T he Secretariat should modify the databases and electronic publications and lay out a new printed publication I f conclusions cannot be reached during the meeting, the written procedure will be used.

10 The Financial Statistics Section thanks all Delegates and their colleagues ask them to continue to maintain the quality of the databases and publications on financial accounts request their co-operation to meet users needs

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