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Frodsham and District Flower Club Application for funding from the Frodsham Community Ideas Fund ‘The Flower Memories and Flowers forward Project’

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Presentation on theme: "Frodsham and District Flower Club Application for funding from the Frodsham Community Ideas Fund ‘The Flower Memories and Flowers forward Project’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Frodsham and District Flower Club Application for funding from the Frodsham Community Ideas Fund ‘The Flower Memories and Flowers forward Project’

2 Flower memories and flowers forward project

3 Hello and welcome, Flowers are part of the human journey here and across the world, associated with feast days and special occasions throughout our lives. We at Frodsham and District Flower Club celebrate that flowers are part of peoples lives every month with floral demonstrations and social time. Our members come from Frodsham and the surrounding villages and it is through them that we reach out into our communities. The project will reach out to people both young and old, with flowers being the focus of discussions and workshops We will invite people to talk across the generations about what flowers mean to them now, and throughout their lives We already invite our members to join us in workshop sessions, we would extend this invitation in a series of special workshops as part of the project

4 Flower memories and flowers forward project We would like £500 from the fund, please What for? A simple but effective idea To work with Age UK, local schools, allotmenteers and the Youth Clubs in and around Frodsham. Holding workshops for both young and old, to create their own floral designs and talk about flowers and what they mean to them, both generally and throughout their lives.

5 Flower memories and flowers forward project How would we spend the money? The money will provide flowers and project enablers, tutors and volunteers.

6 Flower memories and flowers forward project What will be the outcomes of the project? Growing and developing communities through flowers Creating designs and memories Creating a sense of belonging Sense of achievement Reduction of loneliness and isolation by inclusion in the project Increased well being of the participants Sustainability by raising awareness and options to undertake further workshops with the flower club throughout the year Raising awareness of floral design as part of our heritage, culture and art

7 Flower memories and flowers forward project Thank you for watching this presentation we look forward to working with you to make our project happen

8 Flower memories and flowers forward project

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