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Development of an Automated Open Field for Examining Cognitive Processes in Pigeons Kenneth J. Leising, Michael Parenteau, Dennis Garlick, & Aaron P. Blaisdell.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of an Automated Open Field for Examining Cognitive Processes in Pigeons Kenneth J. Leising, Michael Parenteau, Dennis Garlick, & Aaron P. Blaisdell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of an Automated Open Field for Examining Cognitive Processes in Pigeons Kenneth J. Leising, Michael Parenteau, Dennis Garlick, & Aaron P. Blaisdell (UCLA)

2 Automated Remote Environmental Navigation Apparatus (ARENA)  Stimulus/response modules  Translucent cylinder can be lit with one of 256 colors  Non-mechanical proximity sensor located in recessed response area

3 Autoshaping Bird 1Bird 2 CS - Light ON - Light OFF ITI - Light OFF - Light ON Durations –CS = 10 s –ITI = 120 s Mean responses Block (5 sessions) Response Acquisition

4 Simultaneous Discrimination Pecks to one of the colors (S+) were reinforced while pecks to the other color (S-) were not. Holding cage ARENA Layout S+ S- DR (S+) / ( (S+) + (S-) ) Block (7 sessions) Acquisition of discrimination

5 Conditional Discrimination A trial consisted of one color displayed in both devices concurrently. Only responses at one of the two locations were reinforced. Mean DR Block (7 sessions) Acquisition Holding cage ARENA Layout + -

6 Overshadowing Landmarks (LMs) signaled the location of a reinforced response. A = overshadowing stimulus; X = overshadowed stimulus; Y = control. Holding cage ARENA Layout A XG Distance Mean responses Landmark YG Y+ Trials AX+ Trials

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