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Ms. Cantor 7 th Grade Counselor Ms. H SDSU Counseling Trainee Ms. Rios SDSU Counseling Trainee.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Cantor 7 th Grade Counselor Ms. H SDSU Counseling Trainee Ms. Rios SDSU Counseling Trainee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Cantor 7 th Grade Counselor Ms. H SDSU Counseling Trainee Ms. Rios SDSU Counseling Trainee

2 Goals of this Lesson  You will be able to… 1. Understand the harms of bullying 2. Identify the risks of bullying 3. Identify bullying and cyber-bullying 4. Recognize the laws around harassment 5. Help prevent bullying on our campus

3 Cross the Line Activity

4 If you like pizza? Cross the Line: If you like to play sports? If you are night owls versus early birds? If you like summers better than winters? If you feel like this is a safe campus?

5 If you ever had someone say something mean behind your back? Cross the Line: If you have ever received a hurtful or inappropriate email or text message? If you have heard racial slurs or homophobic remarks being made in the hallways? If you have ever been threatened on your way to and from school, or on school campus?

6 Why care about bullying at Monroe Clark?

7 Bullying Across the Country  Bullying is the leading cause of attempted suicide among children.  75 percent of school shooters were bullied at least once in their lifetime.  Over 160,000 children miss school for fear of being bullied every day.  Bullying occurs most frequently from 6th to 8th grade.

8 Some Harmful Things that Happen to Students who are Bullied

9 What is Bullying?  Repeated physical, verbal, or social  Repeated attack or intimidation with the purpose to cause either physical, verbal, or social fear, distress, or harm  A real or perceived imbalance of power imbalance of power

10 Types of Bullying

11 Social Bullying Physical Bullying Cyber Bullying Verbal Bullying


13 VERBAL BULLYING Put Downs Using Foul Language Teasing (Joking) Racist Comments Name CallingThreats Homophobic Slurs

14 SOCIAL or EMOTIONAL BULLYING Spreading Rumors/Lying Bragging Excluding or Ignoring Others Intimidation from Gangs/Cliques Stealing or Breaking Someone’s Things

15 CYBERBULLYING Spreading Rumors Online USING ALL CAPS Text Messaging Rumors Posting Info/Pictures W/out Permission Sending Info from Someone Else’s Account

16 Responsible Internet Use  Check email/messages before you send  Don’t forward friends messages without their permission ONCE YOU SEND SOMETHING YOU CANNOT TAKE IT BACK!!!

17 Discussion  How do you practice safe internet use?  What can you do if you are being cyberbullied?

18 District Laws:

19 What is Harassment?  the act of continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands.

20 Bullying is a Behavior, not a Character Trait


22 How to Prevent Bullying at Clark Use the 3 R’s 1. Recognize 2. Refuse 3. Report





27 Thank you!!!! Your 7 th grade counselor, Ms. Cantor is located in the Counseling Center, Rm. 252 SDSU School Counseling Trainees, Ms. H & Ms. Rios are located in Rm. 171

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