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Oral History Project Summarizing an Interview. Why do I need to summarize my interview? You will need to write an essay that tells a lot about the person.

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Presentation on theme: "Oral History Project Summarizing an Interview. Why do I need to summarize my interview? You will need to write an essay that tells a lot about the person."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oral History Project Summarizing an Interview

2 Why do I need to summarize my interview? You will need to write an essay that tells a lot about the person you interviewed without re- reading or re-writing everything. Identifying the key issues or most important facts about your interviewee will spark interest for your readers.

3 REMEMBER: A good summary does not alter the MEANING of what was said in the original text!

4 Test your interview skills! For the following quotes you will need to: Read the quote Read the quote Identify the main idea Identify the main idea Restate the main idea in your own words Restate the main idea in your own words

5 The Rap Game Scenario 1: You are a journalist for The Rap Game magazine and have just finished interviewing Bow Wow. Identify the main idea of his quote to summarize for your article. You: “What has been your biggest struggle as a rapper?” Bow Wow: “I’ve been tied up to this chain where everybody wants me to be this little kid. What people fail to realize is that I can’t be this little kid forever. That’s the leash that everyone wants to keep on me. That’s what they want, but sooner or later I have to be unleashed.”

6 THINK: What does Bow Wow feel about his life as a rapper? his life as a rapper?SUMMARIZE: How do you know? SHARE: Explain what he felt was his biggest problem as a rapper. Think. Summarize. Share.

7 Wizardly Knowledge Scenario 2: You are a casting director looking to hire a strong female actress. Your first interviewee is Selena Gomez. You: “What do you think it means for a girl to be strong?” Selena Gomez: “Self-confidence is a huge part of it. You can’t think that you’re not as good as anyone else. It’s important to be careful about what you do, say and who you hang out with. Represent yourself well, even in the clothes you wear.”

8 Think. Summarize. Share. THINK: What does Selena believe makes a strong girl? makes a strong girl?SUMMARIZE: How do you know? SHARE: Explain what qualities she believes a strong girl possesses?

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