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Presentation on theme: "HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 ENABLING ENVIRONMENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 Areas considered 1.Coordination and Planning 2.Good governance and Accountability 3.Communication & Advocacy 4.Institutional Capacity Strengthening 5.Management for implementation

3 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 Enabling Environment Milestones By June 2010, all councils have approved formal budgets for CMACS in Tanzania Mainland By December 2009, all focal persons in MDAs have clear roles and responsibilities defined and approved by according to new dialogue structure. By December 2009, the HIV/AIDS ACT is operational and disseminated at all levels

4 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 By December 2009, strategic guidelines and tools for mainstreaming Gender & HR issues in HIV/AIDS Plans have been disseminated at all levels By December 2009, an Institutional Capacity assessment of TACAIDS has been carried out and approved By September 2010, the Bi-annual/Mid-term review of the NMSF has been conducted Enabling Environment Milestones

5 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 Milestones (priority order) Organizations ResponsiblePartner 1.By June 2010, all councils have approved formal budgets for CMACS in Tanzania Mainland TACAIDS/ DPR LGAs PMO- RALG 2.By December 2009, all focal persons in MDAs have clear roles and responsibilities defined and approved by according to new dialogue structure. TACAIDS/ DPR PMO MDAs 3.By June 2009, all MDAs and relevant stakeholders are regularly participating at the Joint Thematic Working Group meetings TACAIDS/ DPRPMO MDAs Coordination & Planning

6 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 Milestones (priority order) Organizations ResponsiblePartner 4.By June 2010, at least 3 agreements with Private Sector Partners (including CSOs) have been signed to support implementation of the NMSF TACAIDSPMO-RALG ABCT CSO networks 5.By June 2010, a Revised National HIV and AIDS policy is available and approved TACAIDS/ DPR PMO MDAs DPs 6.By December 2010, a new TACAIDS ACT is available and approved TACAIDS/ DPR PMO MDAs Coordination & Planning

7 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 Good Governance & Accountability Milestones (priority order) Organizations ResponsiblePartner 1.By December 2009, the HIV/AIDS ACT is operational and disseminated at all levels MoHTACAIDS PMO, MoJ 2.By September 2010 all MDAs have reported on their own resourced action plan to implement HIV/AIDS interventions MDAsPMO, TACAIDS 3.By June 2010, all stakeholders are reporting to TACAIDS about their HIV/AIDS interventions TACAIDSMDAs, DPs

8 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 Communication & Advocacy Milestones (priority order) Organizations ResponsiblePartner 1.By December 2009, strategic guidelines and tools for mainstreaming Gender & HR issues in HIV/AIDS Plans have been disseminated at all levels TACAIDSPMO-RALG MoGCDC, MoJ, MDAs 2.By December 2009, all Regions have a Communication and Advocacy Plan TACAIDSLGAs 3.By June 2010, at least 20 Good Practices for the HIV/AIDS response have been have been documented and disseminated at all levels TACAIDSCSO networks, DPs, MDAs LGAs

9 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 Communication & Advocacy Milestones (priority order) Organizations ResponsiblePartner 4.By December 2010, a basic package of IEC docu- ments is available in at least 50% of the CMACs TACAIDSLGAs

10 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 Institutional Capacity Strengthening Milestones (priority order) Organizations ResponsiblePartner 1.By December 2009, an Institutional Capacity assessment of TACAIDS has been carried out and approved TACAIDSPMO 2. By June 2010, at least 5 CSO umbrella organizations or networks are actively participating in policy forum at national level TACAIDS/DP R CSOs 3. By December 2010, Gender and Human Rights concerns are mainstreamed in HIV plans of all MDAs & 132 Councils TACAIDS/DP R LGAs, MDAs, PMO-RALG

11 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 Management for implementation Milestones (priority order) Organizations ResponsiblePartner 1.By September 2010, the Bi-annual/Mid-term review of the NMSF has been conducted TACAIDS/DP R MDAs, DPs, CSO 2.By March 2010, 80% of HIV/AIDS service organizations in each district have reported TOMSHA data three times in the last year TACAIDS/D PR LGAs, 3.By June 2010, the TACAIDS internal structure has been modified according to the recommendations of the Institutional Capacity assessment PMODFA

12 HIV/AIDS BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2008 Asante kwa kunisikiliza


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