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Status of OpRec Antoine Cazes Laboratoire de l’ Accelerateur Lineaire OPERA Collaboration Meeting in Frascatti Physics coordination meeting. October 28.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of OpRec Antoine Cazes Laboratoire de l’ Accelerateur Lineaire OPERA Collaboration Meeting in Frascatti Physics coordination meeting. October 28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of OpRec Antoine Cazes Laboratoire de l’ Accelerateur Lineaire OPERA Collaboration Meeting in Frascatti Physics coordination meeting. October 28 th 2002.

2 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 Contents  Pattern : organization of the program the main classes and method  Tracking  Kalman  Resolution  Future

3 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 Pattern v4: PatAna  PatHitBuilder  PatHitFromTSCIN  PatHitFromSRPC  PatHitFromDigit  PatSegmentInTarget  PatSegmentInSpectroUp  PatSegmentInSpectroDw  PatSegmentConnector  TrackElementBuilder  …  PatCellBuilderInTarget  PatSegmentBuilderInTarget  PatHitFilter  PatCellBuilderInSpectroUp  PatSegmentBuilderInSpectroUp  PatHitFilter  PatCellBuilderInSpectroDw  PatSegmentBuilderInSpectroDw  PatHitFilter  PatAnaYZ  PatAnaXZ

4 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 PatSegmentInDetector  3 kind of PatSegmentInDetectors: PatSegmentInTarget PatSegmentInSpectroUp only Spectro Up hits PatSegmentInSpectroDw Spectro Down hits Drift tube hits form the 6 last planes  PatSegmentInDetector Input PatHit and PatCell list PatSegmentList

5 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 PatHitFromDigit, PatHitBuilder  3 kind of PatHitFromDigits: PatHitFromTSCIN PatHtiFromSRPC PatHitFromSDT  PatHitFromDigit ( inherit from AlgAnalyser ) indexed 2D point plane number Specification depending of detector (not used) Deposited energy Drift time etc… IOData List (could be one digit, or a cluster)  PatHitBuilder (“Steering routine”) Call all the PatHitFromDigits

6 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 PatCell, PatCellBuilderInDetector  PatCell 2 PatHits Detector name Length Direction (cos, sin) Connected cell List (neighbors in the left) Position of the cell  PatCellBuilderFromDetector Create cells (ie connection between two hits): Hits in consecutive planes, or if needed, in separated planes. Cut to avoid unrealistic cells (depending on detector) Create a list of cells with all the reasonable connections to build the segments

7 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 PatSegment  PatSegment PatHit list PatCell list Length 2 Slopes Fit to a straight line OR Tangent to a parabola at both side of the segment (In Spectro) Elasticity (   of the fit) Mean diffusion angle Quality Detector name (should disappear)

8 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 PatSegmentConnector / TrackElement  Select a connection strategy using track quality criteria Spectro Up to Spectro Down connection ; connect the result to Target Spectro Down to Target connection ; recover the Spectro Up hits on the trajectory. Spectro Down to Spectro Up connection ; recover the Target hits on the trajectory. Extrapolate the trajectory using the Spectro Down segment and recover the Spectro Up and Target hits on it.  Recover the drift tube hits from the 12 first drift tube planes.  Build the segments that are only in the Target and the Spectro Up  store the fully contain in target track.

9 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 TrackElement TrackElement : Output of the Pattern: contains the list of digit (IOData) of the segment. Event 822

10 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 Tracking  Merge the 2 longest projection tracks into one 3D track  Do the Kalman Fit on this track Take into account multiple scattering and dE/dx Input parameters: MC spectro information OR last points of the track (if it doesn’t exit the target)  Outputs X, Y tan  x tan  y correlation matrix.  Do a simple 2D fit on the other tracks.  Outputs X (or Y) tan  x (or tan  y )

11 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 Angular and spatial resolution versus momentum  CC DIS  DIS  QE Diff. Between true value at first point in the Target and the value obtained by the fit. No cuts on muon Id and energy.

12 Antoine Cazes OPERA collaboration meeting Physics coordination - 10/28/2002 Future  Pattern : Continue the implementation under OpAlgo (some improvement could be done with inheritance structure) A Note will be written  Tracking implementation under OpAlgo Tracking in the spectrometer.

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