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Histogram features to look for General shape Range: Most likely values: Outliers: Median: bell-shaped, symmetric (mean = 9.6, median = 9.7) between 8.5.

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Presentation on theme: "Histogram features to look for General shape Range: Most likely values: Outliers: Median: bell-shaped, symmetric (mean = 9.6, median = 9.7) between 8.5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Histogram features to look for General shape Range: Most likely values: Outliers: Median: bell-shaped, symmetric (mean = 9.6, median = 9.7) between 8.5 and 11 mm 6 – 14 mm about 9.5 mm (half area to right half area to left) a couple of birds separated from rest at 14 mm (9.7 mm) (2 birds) (81%) (5.8 to 13.9 mm)

2 Common shapes Bell shaped Long-tailed (bell-shaped – but with a long tail) Decaying Flat Bimodal (two bell-shaped curves overlaid)

3 General advice Start by estimating the standard features:  Shape  Symmetry  Range and other indicators such as the median  Most likely values  Other prominent values including outliers Use rulers and draw lines to increase the accuracy Try different bin sizes to improve Verify your observations by calculation

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