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Mean Field Theory and Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares in Peptide Structure Prediction N. Gautham Department of Crystallography and Biophysics University.

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Presentation on theme: "Mean Field Theory and Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares in Peptide Structure Prediction N. Gautham Department of Crystallography and Biophysics University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mean Field Theory and Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares in Peptide Structure Prediction N. Gautham Department of Crystallography and Biophysics University of Madras, Guindy Campus Chennai 600 025

2 In this talk Introduction Mean Field Theory Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares Applications to – Peptide structure Energy landscape Protein structure Ligand Docking

3 The Problem: Given the sequence of a protein, can we use information from Physics, Chemistry, …… to calculate its three dimensional structure ? Introduction

4 ‘Native Structure’ is one with minimum potential energy Choose a model + force field (potential function) Optimize structure with respect to potential function

5 Introduction Optimisation techniques Monte Carlo Molecular Dynamics – simulated annealing Genetic algorithms …… Mean Field Technique

6 Mean field technique has been applied, e.g. to predict protein side chain structure Φ is the conformational search space This is divided into a number of subspaces φ i Each such subspace has a number of states φ ij each with a probability of occurrence ρ ij

7 First ρ ij = 1/n i ----- n i is number of states of subspace i Next, the effective potential due to a state φ rs of a subspace φ r is evaluated as V eff (φ rs ) = ∑ i,j ρ ij V(φ rs, φ ij ) Next, ρ rs re-evaluated as ρ rs = exp{-V eff (φ rs )/RT} / ∑ q exp{-V eff (φ rq )/RT} Mean Field Technique

8 Application to peptide/protein (backbone) structure - Torsion angles as subspaces? Extension to torsion angle space is not straight- forward The interaction between a pair of subspaces (when the subspaces are the torsion angles) does not depend only on their respective states, but is a function of the states of all other subspaces. i.e. V(φ rs, φ ij ) is not meaningful - we need V(φ rs, φ ij, ……) Mean Field Technique

9 To avoid combinatorial explosion we use a small sample (~ n 2 ) of the possible (m n ) combinations We use mutually orthogonal Latin squares (MOLS) to identify the sample e.g. 3 torsion angles, 5 values each - Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares φ ij, i = 1, 3; j = 1, 5 33 11 22

10 Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares φ 11, φ 21 φ 31 φ 15, φ 24 φ 33 φ 14, φ 22 φ 35 φ 13, φ 25 φ 32 φ 12, φ 23 φ 34 φ 12, φ 22 φ 32 φ 11, φ 25 φ 34 φ 15, φ 23 φ 31 φ 14, φ 21 φ 33 φ 13, φ 24 φ 35 φ 13, φ 23 φ 33 φ 12, φ 21 φ 35 φ 11, φ 24 φ 32 φ 15, φ 22 φ 34 φ 14, φ 25 φ 31 φ 14, φ 24 φ 34 φ 13, φ 22 φ 31 φ 12, φ 25 φ 33 φ 11, φ 23 φ 35 φ 15, φ 21 φ 32 φ 15, φ 25 φ 35 φ 14, φ 23 φ 32 φ 13, φ 21 φ 34 φ 12, φ 24 φ 31 φ 11, φ 22 φ 33 3 MOLS of order 5

11 Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares The effective energy is now V eff (φ rs ) = ∑ q w q V q (φ rs …) w q = exp{-V q (φ rs …)/RT} / ∑ q exp{-V q (φ rs …)/RT} The summation is over all the points in the MOLS grid in which φ rs occurs Note: w q is calculated from V q, not from V eff

12 φ 11, φ 21 φ 31 φ 15, φ 24 φ 33 φ 14, φ 22 φ 35 φ 13, φ 25 φ 32 φ 12, φ 23 φ 34 φ 12, φ 22 φ 32 φ 11, φ 25 φ 34 φ 15, φ 23 φ 31 φ 14, φ 21 φ 33 φ 13, φ 24 φ 35 φ 13, φ 23 φ 33 φ 12, φ 21 φ 35 φ 11, φ 24 φ 32 φ 15, φ 22 φ 34 φ 14, φ 25 φ 31 φ 14, φ 24 φ 34 φ 13, φ 22 φ 31 φ 12, φ 25 φ 33 φ 11, φ 23 φ 35 φ 15, φ 21 φ 32 φ 15, φ 25 φ 35 φ 14, φ 23 φ 32 φ 13, φ 21 φ 34 φ 12, φ 24 φ 31 φ 11, φ 22 φ 33 Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares e.g. for φ 11

13 Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares Since w q is calculated from V q, not from V eff Therefore w q is not ρ ij and the procedure is not iterative Parameterize the search space Use these to build a set of MOLS (chosen at random) to globally sample the space Analyze the samples to obtain a low energy conformation (This is followed by gradient minimization) Another low energy conformation?

14 Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares We obtain ~1500 low energy structures By clustering, we show these may be reduced to ~ 50 mutually dissimilar structures e.g. 23 structures for Met-enkephalin

15 Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares The search is exhaustive Plot of ‘new’ structure versus structure number Sample Overlap First sample Second sample

16 Applications – Peptide Structure Peptide Conformation search – the procedure identifies all computed and experimental structures e.g. Met-enkephalin, ECEPP/3 force field MOLS GEM of Scheraga, et al. MOLS Crystal Structure We use the MOLS procedure to create structure libraries

17 Applications – Peptide Structure Energy landscape, ECEPP/3 force field Minimal energy envelope for Met-enkephalin

18 Applications – Protein Structure MOLS libraries + genetic algorithms (ECEPP/3) (AMBER + ‘hydrophobic’) Selection Initialization Mutation Variation Diversity Fragment Libraries Fragments MOLS Minimization & Clustering Phase 1 Phase 2 Cross over

19 Applications – Protein Structure Avian Pancreatic Polypeptide 4.0 A Villin Head Piece 5.2 A Mellitin 4.3 c-MYB 6.1 A Tryptophan zipper 1.8 A Left  Predicted; Right  Experimental

20 Applications – Protein loops Loops in protein crystal structures classified by size. Structure predicted using ECEPP/3 …DSPEF… …VNRKSD… …INMTSQQ… …TNASTLDT… …KAPGGGCND… …RNLTKDRCKP… Blue – Predicted structure Orange – Crystal structure

21 Applications – Docking Ligand (drug) docking to proteins Redefine the search space as the conformational space of peptide ligand (i.e. n torsion angles φ 1 to φ n ), plus the ‘docking’ space (i.e. the rotation and translation parameters of the peptide in receptor site, r 1 to r 6 ). Composite scoring function is now f 1 {φ 1 to φ n } + f 2 {r 1 …r 6 } conformational energy + ‘docking’ energy

22 PDB ID: 1sua, RMSD = 1.50Å Sequence: ALAL PDB ID: 1a30, RMSD = 0.66Å Sequence: EDL PDB ID: 8gch, RMSD = 1.04Å Sequence: GAW PDB ID: 1b32, RMSD = 0.51Å Sequence: KMK PDB ID: 1dkx, RMSD = 1.35Å Sequence: NRLLLTG PDB ID: 1awq, RMSD = 1.50Å Sequence: HAGPIA Blue – predicted structure Red – Crystal structure

23 Acknowledgements Z A Rafi, K Vengadesan, J Arunachalam, V Kanakasabai, P Arun Prasad CSIR DST-FIST UGC-SAP Thank You

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