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Welcome Read! Write! at Arnold Mill 11 th November 2015.

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2 Welcome Read! Write! at Arnold Mill 11 th November 2015

3 Purpose of the evening To look at the Read! Write! books and work through the nine reading activities to show you how you can use the books to support your child at home reading.

4 Children’s feedback “I love it when you get to praise your partner, when Anika praises me I feel so happy” (Year 2) “I like Read! Write! because I get to use my own ideas” (Year 1) “I like the sound cards, they make me laugh! (Poo in the zoo!) They help me remember my sounds though” (Year 3) “I like everything, especially trying to catch my partner out” (Year 4) “I like writing letters, I’m better than Fred!” (F1) “I like Fred, he helps me write” (F2) “I get most of my words right, even hard ones are easy for me because Fred helps” (Year2)

5 Parent feedback “The Read! Write! Teacher is a brill idea” Y1 Grandparent “Read Write is helping my daughter sound out and blend words” F2 Mum “This is brill. Can I just say I love the new system, it’s much easier to use and my boy seems excited to read his books I am a proud Mummy!” Y2 Mum

6 Impact All children have made progress some having made accelerated progress Children’s confidence in reading and writing has increased. Staff and pupils are enjoying Read! Write! The Year 1 phonics screening check results show that most children are capable decoders. True reflection of impact is Makail’s comment to me… “I love reading! I love writing”

7 Movement through the books

8 Perfect partners Partner work is used because… We learn and retain much more when we discuss with others We only really know we know something when we can teach someone else

9 Phonics All words are made up of sounds In English there are 44 A grapheme is a sound written down In English there are more than 150 graphemes which means it is a very complex code

10 Speed sounds/ Word time

11 sun plop chip train shake bonfire

12 Reading activity 1 Set 1 and 2 sounds (red-orange books)

13 Reading activity 1 Set 3 sounds (yellow books onwards)

14 Reading activity 2


16 Reading activity 3 Roman punishment of thieves.avi Close your eyes and imagine you are lying in your bed it’s the middle of the night but you can’t sleep, everywhere is dark and everywhere is quite…

17 Reading activity 4 Dash

18 Reading activity 5

19 If yourchild is decoding they will be losing some of the meaning.

20 Reading activity 6 Find it questions Simple questions that are found ‘right there’ on the page. What do hamsters like to drink? Prove it questions involved questions that ask children to empathise or use evidence. Why do you think hamsters stuff food in their mouths for later?

21 Reading activity 7 What do you think Crow was thinking about as he sat and watched? What is the character saying? What is that character thinking? What do you think that character is feeling now? How do you think he’s feeling as he’s watching the others? What about once he’s collected the feathers? I wonder what cockatoo and Hummingbird are talking about? I like that word ‘chirped’- can you chirp? He didn’t just say it he chirped it! I love the word ‘whirled’. The author could have used flew but whirled paints a much better picture! I wonder what the others are doing? Do you think they’ve got to their meeting? What do you think the others will say when they see Crow? What does the punctuation tell us?

22 Reading activity 8

23 Reading activity 9 Speed words

24 At home…

25 Thank you

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