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By: The amazing Josh and his sidekicks Graham and Jacob V.

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2 By: The amazing Josh and his sidekicks Graham and Jacob V.

3 Explorers 100 200 300 400 500 100 400 100 200 300 500 200 400 500 300 100 200 300 500 400 300 2,000,000 400 500 100 500 400 300 200 100

4 Native Americans 100 When did the Native Americans come to America? _________ 12 to 10,000 years ago

5 Native Americans 200 What Native American tribe thought the world was going to end in 2012? _____________ The Mayans

6 Native Americans 300 Name the three Native American tribes that were the most powerful? _______ Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas

7 Native Americans 400 What Native American tribe covered most of Michigan? ___________ The Chippewa’s

8 Native Americans 500 What was the name of the biggest Native American and European war ___________ King Phillip’s War

9 Michigan 100 Lansing What is the capital of Michigan?

10 Michigan 200 The 26 th (roman numerals are excepted) What state out of 50 was Michigan

11 Michigan 300 Who is the governor of Michigan?(currently) Jennifer Granholm

12 Michigan 400 Who was the legend about the Great Lakes? Paul Bunyan

13 Michigan 500 Name all the states/countries that border Michigan Wisconsin, Ohio, Canada, and Indiana

14 Social Studies 100 Which Continent do you live on? North America

15 Social Studies 200 What two countries are larger than the United States? Canada, and Russia

16 Social Studies 300 What is the river that separates East America from West America? Mississippi river

17 Social Studies 400 The end of a river is called a _______________. Delta

18 Social Studies 500 What was the first state? Delaware

19 Misc. 100 Mountains, Rivers, and Valleys What was our first unit in social studies last year?

20 Misc.- 2,000,000 Who were the 2 people to go on the roof Matt and Jacob V.

21 Misc.-300 Who was a writer of a battle book that came to our school this year? Michael Riesman

22 Misc. - 400 What is the name of the company that makes our seats? Columbia

23 Misc. - 500 How long was Rosa Parks in jail? 2.5 hours

24 Explorers- 100 Who was the first explorer to find North America? Christopher Columbus

25 Explores - 200 Where did Christopher Columbus want to go to when he landed on North America? A trade route to Asia

26 Explorers- 300 Which explorer took out the Aztecs? Hernan Cortes

27 Explorers - 400 Did Herman Cortes spare the Aztecs king or kill him? He killed him

28 Explorers - 500 Who was the leader of the Vikings that discovered America? Leif Airengson

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