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Unit 4 My day Study skills Ju Zhenglong Xiqiao Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 My day Study skills Ju Zhenglong Xiqiao Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 My day Study skills Ju Zhenglong Xiqiao Middle School

2 Studying aims 1. To learn the sounds of the letter groups like ar, oo, al/or, er, ee/ea, ir/or/ur. 学习字母组合 ar,oo,al/or,er,ee/ea,ir/or/ur 的发音。 2. To learn how to read new words according to the eight sounds. 根据所学的八个音标学会读新单词。 3. To read some phrases and sentences correctly and fluently. 正确且流利的朗读短语和句子。

3 上面单词中 ar 读 什么音?你能给 出更多类似单词 吗? Bark.Bark.Bark. The dog is barking after the car. 想一想: Presentation

4 ar: [a:] arm art star 我发现:

5 1.The horse is walking on the grass. 2.The tall man is talking to the short one. 想一想: 上面单词中 al/or 读什么音?你能 给出更多类似单 词吗?

6 al hall or sport [כ:][כ:] 我发现:

7 读一读 1.There is a little bee in the apple tree. 2.It can’t see me because I read under the tree. 想一想: 上面单词中 ee/ea 读什么音?还有 更多类似单词吗?

8 ea t ee meet [i:] 我发现:

9 1. a heavy box 2. I often have some bread for breakfast. 想一想: 上面单词中 ea 读 什么音?还有更 多类似单词吗?

10 ea: [e] head weather 我发现:

11  We can see the moon in the sky and enjoy mooncakes and nice food on Mid-autumn day. 想一想: 上面单词中 oo 读 什么音?你能给 出更多类似单词 吗?

12 oo: [u: ] cool school 我发现:

13 1. look at the book. 2. I would like to read this book. 想一想: 上面单词中 oo/ou 读什么音?你能 给出更多类似单 词吗?

14 oo good [u][u] 我发现: ou should

15 1.The girl is a nurse and she is at work. 2.The bird is looking at her. 想一想: 上面单词中 ir/ur/or 读什么音? 你能给出更多类 似单词吗?

16 ir/ur/or: [ 3: ] first turn word 我发现:

17 1.Tom’s father is a worker. 2.The workers are happy after dinner. 想一想: 上面单词中 er 读 什么音?你能给 出更多类似单词 吗?

18 er: [ ə ] player 我发现:

19 Listen and read arm art car star [a:] tall walk horse short [ כ:] eat read meet see [i:] bread head heavy weather [e] cool food moon school [u:] book good look would [u] bird girl nurse word [3:] after dinner father worker [ə]

20 Work out the rules 1. oo 组合读 2. ea 组合读 3. or 组合读 4. ar 组合读 5. er 组合读 [u:][u] [i:][e] [כ:][3:] [a:] [ə]

21 Read the words below. Put each of them in the correct place. cook cool first foot free hall healthy never park player ready noodle sport start world team

22 [כ:][כ:] [i:] [e] [u:] [u] [3:] [ə][ə] [a:] cool first cook player hall healthy never noodle world park ready sport start free foot team Put each of the words in the correct place.

23 Class exercises 1. Read the words on the left, then try to read the words on the right. 1. shirt birth 2. winter winner 3. food noon 4. look wood 5. car bar 6. bread dead 7. clean bean 8. talk chalk 9. turn hurt

24 2. Read and choose T or F: 1. sport work ( ) 2. pardon large ( ) 3. foot good ( ) 4. tea sweater ( ) 5. thirty girl ( )

25 ( ) 1 、 A. knee B. green C. head ( ) 2 、 A. horse B. nurse C. walk ( ) 3 、 A. book B. look C. food ( ) 4 、 A. girl B. bird C. dinner ( ) 5 、 A. head B. tea C. heavy C B C C B 3.Try to find different sounds:

26 Chant: 1.Look, look, look at The long neck, the long leg. Short tail, short ear. Oh, I know it’s a Giraffe.

27 2.Feel, feel, feel it. Hot cold, hot cold. Summer winter, Summer winter. Summer is hot ; Winter is cold. That’s the wonderful world!

28 Homework 1. Practice the vowels. 2. Complete the exercises on the students’ workbook.

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