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1. Surface landmarks of skull. 2. Relationship of contents to landmarks.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Surface landmarks of skull. 2. Relationship of contents to landmarks."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Surface landmarks of skull

2 2. Relationship of contents to landmarks

3 3. Layers of scalp

4 4. ‘Dangerous space’: avenue to cranial cavity

5 5. Dangerous triangle

6 6. Meninges & dural sinus

7 7. Falx cerebri & tentorium cerebelli

8 8. Formation & circulation of cerebrospinal fluid

9 9. Tables & diploe of skull bones

10 10. Cranial floor features

11 11. Vertebral column & spinal cord

12 12. Cauda equina & site of lumbar puncture

13 13. Spinal cord & meninges

14 14. Spinal curvatures

15 15. Intervertebral disks & ligaments

16 16. Dens (of axis) articulates with atlas

17 17. Cerebral arterial circulation

18 18. Drainage of cerebral circulation

19 19. Dural reflections & sinuses

20 20. Cerebral aneurysms

21 21. Cerebral infarction

22 22. Testing cerebrospinal fluid

23 23. Blood-brain barrier

24 24. Hematoma

25 25. Effects of tumors

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